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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Street hockey goal

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anyone know where i can pick up a street hockey goal from in the uk? I did see some online a while back but I dont remember the website. googled and I can only find ones which are £120+ which is a bit too much for me

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Yeah the old fashion way is prob easiest, go to hardware store buy pipes, there has to be a website that shows you how somewhere on the internet and just get a whit ebedsheet.

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if you can't find one cheap make your own. you can order replacement nets, and even if you have to order from overseas it will be cheaper for a net.

you'll need a bunch of PVC pipe, 6x 90* elbows, and two Tee fittings to make a basic goal. (no top shelf)

PVC pipe at the hardware store is usually much thicker and more durable than the kind that comes in cheap goals.

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pvc would be fine if your only using a ball. Plus if you use pvc and it gets broke it is a very easy fix. I rememeber the old red mylec, fold up, steel goals. They got trashed after a couple weeks and you had to prop them up with a stick.

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do you have sports authority or any sports stores around you?

if there is one im sure they could order one for you.

i picked up a pro size goal at sports authority for like $40 , but thats here in the states.

emailing them would probably help you determine shipping to where you are

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