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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taking off Tape

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Alright heres a the question, some of my team mates like to tape their stick between periods before going back out and when they take their tape off it seemes pretty hard a bunch of stuff gets stuck to your blade and its pretty hard to rip off. So they came to conclusion of using a Exacto-Knife, and when i see them do it they make a huge groove about the lenght of the blade right across. I mean this cant be good for your blade, would it affect the performace of the blade? or would it be considered just like surface scratches.

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Alright heres a the question, some of my team mates like to tape their stick between periods before going back out and when they take their tape off it seemes pretty hard a bunch of stuff gets stuck to your blade and its pretty hard to rip off. So they came to conclusion of using a Exacto-Knife, and when i see them do it they make a huge groove about the lenght of the blade right across. I mean this cant be good for your blade, would it affect the performace of the blade? or would it be considered just like surface scratches.

Don't use an exacto knife and the part where u pull the tape of, pull carefully so the tape doesn't rip and it will come off quicker. If your taping has to be perfect than don't tape between periods cause u may not be able to finish.

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Buy some good tape and you won't have to do that.

what kinda tape do you guys use? not renfrew im guessing.

oh my god, renfrew is HORRIBLE

but their clear tape is a little better than the rest of the stuff.

I found some stuff at modells, on the iside it says "jaybird hockey". It doesn't stick as much as renfrew, so it's easier to get off. but, it's not at the point where it's falling off mid-game. I also don't have the problem I did with renfrew, where the threads start falling apart.

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Comp-O-Stick for the blade. Lasts forever and doesn't come apart like Renfrew. And I have used a boxcutter to take the tape off. I just lightly go over the tape along the blade and it works for me. No real damage to the blade other than a surface scratch. Wood blades tend to last me a month on average anyways and every time I've done it like that, the blade holds up fine. All you really wanna do is cut through the tape, not all the way down to the blade.

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unless they are really pressing down hard with the knife, they should only get surface scratches. it shouldn't be a problem unless they are dumb enough to press down enough to affect the performance.

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Guys I don't think he's not interested in what tape you use, he wants to know what the durability will be like on a blade with scratchs in it.

heh, but you use good tape then you'll be fine. no kniving your blades...

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Guys I don't think he's not interested in what tape you use, he wants to know what the durability will be like on a blade with scratchs in it.

heh, but you use good tape then you'll be fine. no kniving your blades...

yes, but hes not asking how to prevent this, he is wondering if it will affect performance of the blade.

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i heard some pros like a sandpaper feel on their blades so I epoxy some 100 grit paper to my blade. It really works and no more removal of tape that causes damage to my blade.

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i heard some pros like a sandpaper feel on their blades so I epoxy some 100 grit paper to my blade. It really works and no more removal of tape that causes damage to my blade.

I have a friend that uses skateboard tape on their blade. It works for roller and I wonder how it would feel on ice.

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