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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tying skate laces

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Hi everyone, I tie my skates from the inside to the ouside but find that they always loosen up during play. Can anyone tell me if tying them from the outside to the inside would help keep them tight? Or any other technique.

thanks !


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Back lacing, using waxed laces, and looping the laces around the back of your skates should all help keep you skates tighter.

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It will also inhibit forward flex, bt whatever floats your boat. There's a thread on taping your ankles in the general discussion forum with more info.

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It really depends. Wax laces definatley help but yeah going in to out works alittle better I think. And as for wrapping your laces around, it will wear out the top of the boot alittle but it's all about preference.

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I've always called it "over-under" =) I've tied my sneakers and skates this way ever since I worked a year as a manager for Champs Sports after college... Its even more effective with waxed laces as was mentioned previously

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sorry for my ignorance, but what is backlacing? is it this?


No, I think backlacing refers to this.

Weird how that website describes back lacing as easy to loosen and harder to tighten

Yeah I woulda thought that would be the opposite. I use the opposite of that pattern which I find is very easy to loosten but quite hard to tighten especially because they aren't waxed. My hands are pretty sore because of it lol. Might switch to the back lacing, see how it is.

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Do you lace all eyelets? I use back-lacing ( the whole skate ) with waxed laces and dont lace the top eyelet.

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