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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whos got the upper hand in the upcoming election

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Oh Ill tell real quick.

Ryan and I at the Pepsi Center. The unofficial "welcome back to Steve Moore" night.

The show him in the press box on the Jumbotron with everyone cheering. After that is done Ryan decides to pose his logical, yet ill advized opinion on the Bert thing. Without details its not what Denver fans want to hear. An old lady in front of us took exception and gave Ryan a look that could stop time.

I in turn, being a supporting type of person, pretending like I did not know him. Poor misguided LA boy. ;)

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The biggest thing we need to take into account when speaking of our current administration is the following.  What is the worlds perception of the US right now?  Right or wrong the perception is very bad and the President is in fact responsible for this.

That's total BS. The worlds perception of *US* (we the US citizens) has been around long before Bush. Bush hasn't changed anyone in the worlds "perception" of us, he may have reinforced it... Everyone else in the world has a real problem with the US and always will, mainly because they're NOT the US. Believe it. If you believe the world's opinion of the US has changed because of Bush, you're quite naive.

It's easy for the world to point fingers at the big guy (US)... and it's "ok" to point fingers at the big guy, because, well, they *aren't* the big guy and we all agree on that...

Dont agree. I have listened to folks in his administration at speaking engagments at several companies and he has made this worst.

I like you and what you contribute to this board so Ill stop there. Do some research on this. I did and its very scary how much worst its getting.

One last thought. When was the last time that citizens of the US were this divided?

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Well Ponty, I'd say we were this divided on Clinton's impeachment. The economy under GHW Bush, Carter's policies, Nixon's impeachment, Iran Contra, etc...

As I said earlier 35% of the population is going to hate anything the president does, 35% will agree and the rest will be in the middle.

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I don't know... granted I'm only just shy of 31, but between my family, my family friends, and my own friends, I never ever recall so many of them so passionate one way or the other regarding the current state of affairs in our country.

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This country is in fact always divided on topics. I have not seen us this divided in my life time. Well I dont remember the Nixon stuff to well anyhow ...

What I do hate more than anything else is the whole "your stupid if you dont see it my way" type of attitude. Yea thats gonna give a person your mindshare.

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I don't know... granted I'm only just shy of 31, but between my family, my family friends, and my own friends, I never ever recall so many of them so passionate one way or the other regarding the current state of affairs in our country.

I think that's more a factor of our current society than anything else. People are more like to be outspoken one way or the other on every topic. I'm the same age as you but I'm just going by history and the major issues of the day. Vietnam should have obviously been on that list as well.

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I wanna address the marijuana issue real quick which was glanced over. The reason why it will never be legalized is because there is no clear way to test how much marijuana has been smoked or to find the potancy of the plant. Case in point, if someone who has been smoking was pulled over, there would be no REAL accurate way to find out just how doped up the person is.

My feelings on Bush is that we dont really hear all of the good things that he does and I dont believe we really hear how much the people in Iraq are happy to have us there. Just my two cents.

The substance in marijuana that makes a person 'stoned' is called thc. This is a resin that is produced off of the buds of a female marijuana plant. Thc is like alchol as in it lingers in your body. The more marijuana you smoke or ingest the more thc you will have in your body. I'm positive there is a way to show how much thc you have in your body. I personally think marijuana will end up getting legalized. Organized crime has already started in the marijuana growing and selling. This is exactly how Al Capone made so much money. When the U.S. banned alchol he had it and people are always curious and will want to get what they should not have.

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Alcohol can be measured on your breath and it's easily converted into the amount in your blood. There is no easy test to determine the amount of THC in your system on the side of the road.

The US is getting more and more conservative and I see no way it gets legalized in the next decade. Add to that the stiff taxes on tobacco, I can't see them ever legalizing it, despite the current popularity of the issue.

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I'll have to say i agree with chadd about it most likely never being legalized in America, although i do see a greater chance in canada becoming partially legalized like holland

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I like you and what you contribute to this board so Ill stop there. Do some research on this. I did and its very scary how much worst its getting.

Come on, you honestly don't think I've "done research on this"... I'd put a wager on our knowledge about politics and world history.. give me some credit here. You think the Britts thought the world of us in the early 1800s? It's people like you that opposed getting involved in WWII because we were worried about what the 'world opinion' of us would be like since we were just in a war and we shouldn't be "policing the world" because it looked bad for our image. Our country isn't any more divided more than it has ever been, it's just much easier to hear/read/see about it today. Especially with the whole news-o-tainment movment in the past 15-20 years. Problem is, we don't have a concrete solid enemy for everyone to concentrate on anymore (used to be the communists). So we're more focused on ourselves. With no real formal enemy the politicians point at each other now. Also, the lack of an enemy puts us in a vulnerable position in the future if/when one arises because of the percieved lack of a need for a strong country/army.

..and WORSE, sorry that's a pet peeve.

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All hard drugs were legal before 1940. Libertarians push for the legalization of all drugs. If you tax them and have control over them, there will be no more drug gangs, and drug lords. Look at what prohibition did, it created the mafia. Drug Prohibition created drug gangs

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I actually think the government would benifit from legalizing marijuana. Just thing how much money they spend each yearon drug busts and such. if it were legalized they would save money on policing and could tax marijuana buying and growing.

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If it was legalized and taxed, why would dealers stop selling it? What's next? Is it ok to legalize coke? What about heroin? Where do you draw the line between what is acceptable and what is not? That's the problem with legalizing pot. Then you have to explain why cigarettes are so bad and pot should be legal, despite the fact it has more carcinogens than a normal cigarette. I don't care what someone does in the privacy of their own home but it's all of the little details that make it so unlikely to happen.

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Coke and Heroin are a completely different subject. These are two highly addictive drugs which are proven to cause brain damage. As I mentioned before marijuana is less addictive than coffee and the fda has said that marijuana does not cause any brain damage.

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nicotein is also highly addictive, and causes cancer... soooo are we back at square one?

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you tell me whats worse buddy... having a few less brain cells and forgetting where your keys are or dying a painfull death from cancer? And it has been proven that weed causes brain cells to be lost, airgo, brain damage

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O i am in no support of cigarettes i think they are absolutely retarded and should be illegal. I would toke it up than smoke a cigarette anyday. Yes marijuana cause minimal brain damage but so does coughing.

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So it's ok to legalize what you like but not the other stuff? Sounds pretty self serving to me.

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Ya i guess it does. I'm just saying that i think cigarettes are worse for you than marijuana, i guess i didn't mean it should be illegal but if cigarettes are legal then marijuana should be.

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