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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thin Superfeet insoles

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Is it just me or can does anyone else feel the rivots from the holdes threw the bottom of their superfeet insoles towards the ball/big toe of your feet?

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No, not in any of the three pair of Missions I've used them in. What kind of skates do you wear that have big mutant rivets?

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Maybe you could put some Moleskin over the rivets. Either cut small circles or one piece to cover the front half of the insole. It is thin, has adhesive on one side and flannel on the other.

If it does not work it can be easily removed...... and it’s cheap, like $4.00.

Here is a link to the stuff: http://www.drscholls.com/product.aspx?prodid=50

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I use Superfeet in my Bauer 5000s and don't feel anything hardware-wise in the toe area.

At first though, I thought your thread was going to be asking if you could feel the Superfeet while you're skating. My answer would've been that yes at first, I could feel the plastic piece giving me support but got used to it pretty quickly. However a couple weeks back while having my skates profiled, I had to officiate a game in a backup pair of skates that didn't have Superfeet (forgot them in my 5000s) and I really noticed that I wasn't wearing them and my feet didn't care for that at all! This backup pair had the stock foam footbeds in them and I started hurting by the end of the game along the bottom of my feet from pushing against a basically flat surface.

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rivets might be high, i know that when i had 703's, the stock insoles where to thin in front so i replaced em...

Yes, rivets are high. Likely caused by mounting a holder not meant for the skate it was designed for, by someone who used wrong sized rivets. All the more reason to just use the holder the skates come with.

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rivets might be high, i know that when i had 703's, the stock insoles where to thin in front so i replaced em...

Yes, rivets are high. Likely caused by mounting a holder not meant for the skate it was designed for, by someone who used wrong sized rivets. All the more reason to just use the holder the skates come with.

I don't see how you can say that it was because of the wrong holder.

The riveter wasn't good at feeling the right rivets, so he used bigger ones so that he wouldn't screw up.

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