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Farenheit 911

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i saw the movie on saturday and i was wondering what you guys thought about the movie, being contreversial and all

my opinions:


Michael Moore did a lot of detailed investigative work, into the relationships between various government officials and coorporations, big eye-opener .

The section including lila lipscomb, really emotional, brought a human side to the conflict.

Michael Moore asking congressmen to encourage their children to enlist. their reactions were priceless :lol:


Michael's overpowering bias against Bush, taking clips out of context and skewing situations in order to fit his opinion. Biggest peeve, when Moore blasted bush for staying with the kids in the classroom after learning the planes were hit :angry:


This movie really is quite amazing, both for content and for the audacious film making style

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The part with the congressmen was one of the most heavily edited sections, much of that is out of order and context.

He's done a hell of a marketing job.

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I havent seen it yet but a friend said that the whole thing was basically anti-bush.

yeah, it is very heavily anti bush, but again, there is a basis for his arguments. i actually didn't think this movie had any political significance, but i highly recommend seeing it for entertainment as a sort of semi conspiracist investigative documentary. gets the brain thinking

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a lot of the "points" he made have already been proved false, as in the bush bin laden connection.

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Moore does make some persuasive arguments, but like the subjects he often chooses to takcle he is heavily biased that you do have to take everything with a grain of salt and say to yourself, well this guy is more than happy to just put HIS view across.

I find his stuff entertaining, but i worry that people will just follow him 100% and not bother to make their own minds up, after all it was in a movie so it must be true right?! ;)

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with the whole bush saudi royal family/bin laden thing, i dont understand his anger towards the actions taken on 9/11. i see it as the same if say Blair or Putan had relatives here in the states and they called GW to get them out safely??

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As I read that article that Kosy posted the link for I had a hard time believing that Hitchens wrote it. From what I've read of him before he's always seemed to be pretty liberal. I wonder if Moore will ever get so far out of touch with reality that we'll see a move from the left to break away from him.

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mike two dinners moore is a joke, and everybody knows it, except him, i think. He only appeals to neo liberals and socialists. Its pretty funny that bowling for columbine got best documentry @ the oscars even though it dosent fit the academys own criteria for a documentry.

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As I read that article that Kosy posted the link for I had a hard time believing that Hitchens wrote it. From what I've read of him before he's always seemed to be pretty liberal. I wonder if Moore will ever get so far out of touch with reality that we'll see a move from the left to break away from him.

Hitchens is the type of person who generally thinks before he speaks. I believe he doesn't like Moore's style and is more interested in the reality than scoring points. You should read Hitchens stuff about Mother Theresa.

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then again vapor, bowling for colombine was a good documentary....

Despite the fact he made up "facts" as usual? Roger and me may be the only thing he's done that could actually be called a true documentary.

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then again vapor, bowling for colombine was a good documentary....

It was heavily edited, and had a lot of disproved facts. It won the oscar for best documentry even though it didnt meet the academys criteria for a documentry

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