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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Super Bowl Ads

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I think Bud Light wins as having the funniest ads this year.

Chevy's were good too.

The NFL Network one with the Superbowl party and all the celebs was pretty good.

The Tundra Test ones were good...I'd like to see if those were computer-doctored at all or actual test drives.


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I like the Garmin commercial, the GM one with the assembly machine (johnny-5 type robot), and the "new pound" (where guys start slapping each other) were the best. The commercials did kind of suck though.

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the slap was by far the best commercial. Lots of bad ones this year. The Doritos one at the register was pointless, and I was also somewhat disappointed with the GoDaddy commercial, although there wasn't much more for them to do.

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I personally liked the rock, paper, scissors one the best. The Kevin Federline(sp?) one was a close second. And the taco bell one with the lions.

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NO SPEAK ENGLISH!!!! lol....tat bud light one was really great and budweiser failed drammaticly last time and im canadian and i watched it on cbs so i seen the ads

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if you've ever had a job in a call center, sales center, cubicle, etc then the Careerbuilder one's are probably the funniest I've seen.

The Bud Light ones were all funny, so are the continuing Taco Bell ones with the Lions.

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