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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior draper

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would this curve be a bad idea if your coming from a jokinen curve?

Depends what you are looking for. The Sakic (draper)is more open than the Jokinen so you will shoot higher. I have used both and I found that slappers were higher with the Sakic but easy to get them up with the Jokinen as well.

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my dad got bought be this curve and i used it coming from a elias curve. My wrist shots sucked, i couldnt shoot to save my life. My slap shots on the other hand were really accurate and really hard, but i never take slap shots so it was a bad curve for me.

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this is kind of late, but I've been using the draper for a while after switching from a Jokinen, I don't like it all that much, it's a bit too open at the toe for me. I've used some big mid and toe curves before but I'd been using that heel curve for so long I just can't get used to it. It all depends how you shoot it I guess, I used to take wrist shots with the Jokinen by starting the puck at the heel and using the whole blade to sort of slingshot it as opposed to snapping it off the toe... if that makes sense.

Of course it's all about your personal preference

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I cam from a Sakic and I am loving the Draper...I like how I can get my shots up a little quicker from in close.

thats because draper and sakic are the exact same curve, only differnet brands. No transition needed :)

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The Warrior Draper pattern is the same as Easton's Sakic but the lie is different. Easton Sakic is labeled as 5.5 and Warrior Draper is labeled 5 but I've compared them and used both and the Draper's lie is more like 6 to me.

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I must be crazy, but I switched from a shanahan to the draper and it was an easy transition. I never could get any kind of shot with the sakic, but I have a great shot with the draper. I guess I should go back and try the sakic again and see...

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i have a theory, i think that warrior uses the same lie as ccm and sherwood, just a number down. the sherwood coffey and ccm recchi are both 5.5 and the same lie. eastons 5.5 is almost a 6 on the sherwood/easton scale. warrior to me seems about a full number down, but not easton. on an easton scale i would say that the warrior lie is 1.35-ish down from. so the warrior weight (4.5) is the same as a recchi or coffey (5.5). warrior stuff wont line up with eastons exactly. the warrior 5 would be very close to a ccm/sherwood 6 -which is very slightly higher than easton's 5.5. just a theory - clear as mud even to me.

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I think the recchi is more of a 5.25, but that's going on the easton iginla(5.5) being the standard.

There really needs to be a standard form of measurement for lie. I mean as in the angle from the staft to the exact (bottom) middle part of the blade. As well as there being a LR(large rocker), MR(mid rocker) or SM(small rocker).

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well, thats what im saying. the sherwood/ccm standard was around before easton was even a hockey company. id go with sherwood on who's right. easton just created its own lie system, mission and tps just copied it like they copied all the patterns. i would say it would be nice if there was a standard - but i think sherwood and other older wood stick companies created that standard years ago and easton just to be different screwed it all up. you used to just go to the store, pick out a toe curve, a mid curve or a heel curve - and get either a 5 or a 6. all sticks came in either 5 or 6. sherwood and ccm still use that standard. i have no idea where easton got theirs from. warrior is being silly moving down a number, but at least its based on the same system.

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well easton's system with flex has taken charge and everyone uses it so I figured it's only natural to go with easton's lie system as well.

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I would go with Easton's only because it's always been consistent. Maybe their 6 isn't a "true" 6 but at least it'd be a controlled measurement.

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well easton's system with flex has taken charge and everyone uses it so I figured it's only natural to go with easton's lie system as well.

well, as far as i can tell only tps and mission use eastons. ccm, sherwood, and bauer all use the old way. warrior if im right goes with the old way, but im only guessing off the ones ive seen.

macks right about easton being consistent, but im pretty sure ccm and sherwood and ccm are equally consistent. dont really know about bauer.

either way, the point remains that everyone just isnt on the same page and it makes it really confusing for the average joe to even understand what lie is when it changes with each stick they pick up.

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exactly, same goes for flex(although now ccm sticks come with the kp flex and the easton scale). I really wish they'd come out with a standard.

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I think the recchi is more of a 5.25, but that's going on the easton iginla(5.5) being the standard.

There really needs to be a standard form of measurement for lie. I mean as in the angle from the staft to the exact (bottom) middle part of the blade. As well as there being a LR(large rocker), MR(mid rocker) or SM(small rocker).

I like my Synergy Iginla. What Warrior blade is most similar is lie and curve?

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