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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kind of gloves are these?

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Watched a game on tv yesterday and the guy in the picture wore some gloves I couldn't identify, they weren't close enough to see the logo and this picture isn't the best either, but does anyone know what kind of gloves he's using?


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I'm liking the look of these gloves. Looks like CCM really tried to make their glove similar to the One90. They are quite different looking, but they are similar in that they look ultra modern.

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im a CCM guy....skates,stick,soon to be gloves.....they just make good gear...there skates are very,very comfotable and there sticks have the right curve(lecavalier)and nice feel....while my furure glove i will get as probobly the 6.0....and those gloves are sweet and hope for better ones in 08

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I definitely prefer the re-design over the previous models. The old ones were brutal, and something about the cuff just felt "off" to me. They do seem to borrow quite a bit from the styling of the One90...

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I'm still a fan of "Classic" looking gloves.


Improve the materials...make them lighter...all that stuff is great, but the futuristic look does nothing for me...

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I'm still a fan of "Classic" looking gloves.


Improve the materials...make them lighter...all that stuff is great, but the futuristic look does nothing for me...

There was a time when these OG CCM gloves were considered EXTREME!!!!!

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I'm liking the look of these gloves. Looks like CCM really tried to make their glove similar to the One90. They are quite different looking, but they are similar in that they look ultra modern.

My first thought when looking at them at the show was that they were a One90 knockoff. I do like the padding at the end of the fingers though, that's a nice touch.

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I'm still a fan of "Classic" looking gloves.

Improve the materials...make them lighter...all that stuff is great, but the futuristic look does nothing for me...

I'm with you, man. The classic-er, the better.

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I'm still a fan of "Classic" looking gloves.

Improve the materials...make them lighter...all that stuff is great, but the futuristic look does nothing for me...

I'm with you, man. The classic-er, the better.

I wanted a pair of those gloves with split fingers for the longest time. Finally had to give up.

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