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Pre-Game Meals/Liquids during games?

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A lot of my games in my current league take place in the early morning. I have to play two games in four hours.

I only have 1-1.5 hours after waking up before game time. What meal suggestions? Power bars? I need something light and not too heavy so I don't cramp up during games.

Do you drink a lot per game or do you rinse and spit? I used to get cramps if I drank more than 250ml during games.

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Drink-rinsing and spitting won't do much. I assume you are young and are not sweating that much if you get cramps so easily.

Power Bars are OK, but there are better brands. A banana, peanut butter, and milk will also do the trick--maybe drink a gatorade between games.

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I think this article makes lots of sense.

Only time I"ve ever had to get up early was for some Adult League skills clinics. In those cases, I had a single piece of toast and juice. My breakfast never really helped during the clinics but at least gave me some energy when I was done without making me puke.

Now, I NEVER eat after 3 hours before a game. I try to have rice and not too heavy a meal. If I have a double header I have a single powergel before each game. Since I play at night, I find what I eat during the day makes more of a difference so I don't have to stuff myself at dinner to get the carbs.

At my age (40) the meal makes TONS of difference in how much energy I have to play.

The other thing to think about is having some carbs and protien right AFTER you are done playing so your body has something to recover with.

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I'd suggest getting up a bit early and getting some light toast with peanut butter and lot's of water. During the game I'd go with a sports drink that was watered down, maybe a 3:1 mix ratio. Just take about a mouth full of liquds between shifts. If you're cramping that means you're in the early stages of dehydration. Also, the day before the game you need to really pound the water.

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my pre game meal-Chicken-bacon alfredo (yumm)......i drik about 10 lirtes of gatorade before i leave fr the rink,and i get dressed and drink more gatorade....and my pump-up music is that cotton eye joe mix thing.....it gets me going :D

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Cant you plan better to have an extra hour so you can eat 2 hours before your game?

It's hard waking up at 6am on a Saturday morning. :lol:

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I read some articles and learned it's probably due to dehydration as you suggested. Body loses 2L per hour but can only gain 800 ml so i'll try drinking 500ml when I wake up, 500ml before I leave the house and then 250 ml before the games and during.

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Cant you plan better to have an extra hour so you can eat 2 hours before your game?

It's hard waking up at 6am on a Saturday morning. :lol:

Being good isn't easy. If getting up early isn't worth it, then your desire for performance isn't strong.

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Being good isn't easy. If getting up early isn't worth it, then your desire for performance isn't strong.

I've woken up at 4:30am for practices before-- not even that fun as a kid. I did a 7am today for a 10am game, 3 hours. ;)

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Being good isn't easy. If getting up early isn't worth it, then your desire for performance isn't strong.

I've woken up at 4:30am for practices before-- not even that fun as a kid. I did a 7am today for a 10am game, 3 hours. ;)

That's cool, I wasn't putting you down or anything. It's just that there's things we say we want that we really don't, and those are just wishes. I wish I had all A's right now, but I'm not willing to put in the time because I'm tired and stuff.

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Whenever I have early morning games, (6:15am start) I wake up at around 4:45 and eat at around 4:50 which is when I'll have a slice of toast or a muffin with some water.

If I have a night-time game, it's almost always pasta/bread and water and milk.

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How is your nutrition during the entire week? You can't make up for 6 days in 12 hours..

essentially you are eating/drinking the night before for the first game and need a good strategy during game 1 for game 2..

I have quite a bit of "doubles" on Mon night where I go from roller to ice or ice to ice..

typically I just take in water during a game...but for the two-fers I drink cytomax...it is way less sugary than Gatorade/Powerade etc and since its designed for endurance sports (Ironman/etc) it empties out of your stomach pretty well...mind you, still need to be smart throughout...a couple ounces every other shift to just keep it topped off..

afterwards whatever works for you that has some carbs/protein ...turkey sandwich (nearly any sandwich) toast with peanut butter etc..or just more liquids ...

if you feel you need a gel, save it for during game 2...it typically takes about 20min to hit the bloodstream..

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you could take down a packet of oatmeal. oats are low gi, whereas as quick oats are medium high. if you eat about an hour or so before your game, you should be fine. you could also have a piece of fruit 20 or so minutes before hand.

and as said above cytomax is a great drink. good choice. :)

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