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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Toronto, CA
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  1. I still have my RBK 20k but I replaced them with FT4 Pros a few years ago. Holding up well, I like them almost as much as the old nostalgia Jofas. On semi related note, I still have my 20K elbows but the Jetspeeds look like a good option. Give the Jetspeeds another try? Took me a few sessions to get used to them but I would never go back now.
  2. I've only tried Bauer and True. I found the Trues to require 0 break in period and they had the most "custom" fit. I did not even need to lace the skates when they were new, but they were a pain to put on and take off. Only drawbacks when new were the cosmetic issues. After a few seasons few some rivets popped out, the boots lost stiffness quicker than the Bauers and the heel lock is loose on the dominant foot. All minor issues. The last time I put on the Bauer for ODR it felt loose after getting used to the snugness of True. I think if you have foot issues or mangled feet, the Trues would be a very suitable skate.
  3. I like my Warrior Alpha Pro. Great blend of price, protection and comfort. Comin from higher model Bauers i'm a big fan of the Warrior helmet.
  4. I was just at the Leafs prostock shop today wishing Willy shot left. His stick was Supreme graphics but stick code is 2NPROXL. I believe Andreas Johnsson has similar specs but lefty, i've been using his twigs. If you want pictures i'll grab some next time. Spezza's stick was there too for comparison.
  5. More posts on social media like Instagram -- like and follow, with a giveaway for a ModSquad hat or other product? AMA on Reddit with JR? AMA here with equipment manufacturers? The Athletic had some great articles when speaking with trainers and operations managers. Very interesting stuff. ModSquad stickers for our helmets to bring more exposure? Sticky posts explaining skate sharpening, stick curves, curves? Youtube content? JR visits the local used equipment store to try old stuff...
  6. Worth it. Great article today on Warrior and Adam Oates: https://theathletic.com/553200/2018/10/02/blade-whisperers-on-ice-tests-and-a-tijuana-trip-how-an-nhl-player-is-fitted-with-the-perfect-stick/
  7. Agreed on all points. The low kick is an improvement on the QRL.
  8. I think backup job is Sparks to lose after his ridiculous AHL season. Grundstrom could be a 4th liner but I don't think he will make it this year. Johnson was a beast during AHL playoffs. Trevor Moore was also a valuable asset, he could be a Babcock guy for the 4th line. I think they will give Holl a chance for the bottom 3 pairing with Marincin. They were really good together.
  9. Thanks for this find. Quite a few skates for $100-200 if you're in the size 9-9.5 category. Goalie gear is all half.
  10. Left boot has a squeaky sound when I lean forward on dryland. Loose blade in holder? Loose screw in holder? I barely bunny hop the boards, ugh.
  11. Plekanec! Man our D was ruined. Wish they traded the 2nd and stuff for something instead of TP... hope to see Dommie and Mango (aka Johnson) back for game 2.
  12. I take the Bruins over the Lightning. Sure they have arguably the best line in the league but the Leaves have three and possibly four if they let Johnny play. Goaltending is the wild card. Bruins played the most games in last stretch and Leafs least. *forgot about the "it was 4-1 game" already*
  13. Nice grip and hockey equipment lugger. Time for a name change to IPv3Threely
  14. I would contact their support, they are pretty good and reply within 24 hours. Send many pictures and circle problem areas. I had tightness in the toes too but it gradually went away.
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