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Shot blocking shin pads

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Hey I blocked a killer slapper last weekend on the PK during a game that hurt through my shinpad. The kid had a total gun, so it was right up there, but I imagine the pros can shoot a little bit harder too.

Are there any options better than the reebok 8k which I wear now?

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Shin pads don't get much better than the 8K. Sometimes it hurts to block shots.

It more just made me curious than anything. I've never had a shot hurt before in the 8k's and it made me think.

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I've got the Jofa 9090s, which I think are the same as the 8K, and their padding does a better job of dispersing impact force than anything else I've ever worn.

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I've got Itech SG955 that have been very good for blocking shots. In addition, they have an extra flap built in that covers the top of your foot and front of your ankle. Very nice.

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I have the RbK 6K's and no problems here. Taken many shots off them without as much as a tingle. They do have the fitlite straps so the shin doesn't touch the shell also.

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any of you guys use the CCM Pro Tacks? they've been absolutely great... built like a tank!

I use CCM Pro tacks and they are bomb proof. I have never felt any pain from a shot - and I tend to block alot of shots from the point.

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Gotta agree with Warrior, I won't use anything else then Jofa/Rbk. They absorb great, just sometimes a shot can hit just right. "It" happens sometimes I guess.

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I wear Nike V-14s, and they are great...but I don't block many shots (although I blocked 2 yesterday and had no problems at all). I would agree with the group, thought, that the RBK 8K/Jofa 9090 are the best for the long haul if you are a shot blocker.

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ill one up that and say they are the best for the long haul if youre a hockey player

They're overkill for 75% of people who play hockey.

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i dont know about that, i think that most anyone who plays bantam aa or higher would be just fine in them, they might be much for a little kid or a small time beer leaguer though

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i dont know about that, i think that most anyone who plays bantam aa or higher would be just fine in them, they might be much for a little kid or a small time beer leaguer though

Those players can use them, never said they couldn't, but lower level pads also work just fine up to mid level pro. I know junior A and midget AAA players who use lighter pads and have no problems at all.

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so do you suggest against the high end rbk/jofa product unless youre an nhl'er?

No, but I also think that telling everyone to get that pad isn't right either. Blanket statements are rarely helpful and it's largely a matter of preference and need. In the case of the original poster, the top end RBK/Jofa is probably the best choice as he is blocking some seriously heavy shots. However, if there is a fit issue that caused the pain, perhaps a different pad will fit better and provide better protection.

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I like my 9090s mostly for the cushioning and support of the knees. I've had about half the cartilage removed from one knee, and pretty bad degeneration in the other, and there's a world of difference between the 9090s and other pads I've tried when I drop down on the ice. Just about any higher end shin pad is going to be fine for blocking shots.

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i agree fit is one thing, but i think as far as mobility, protection, and being fairly light weight the high end rbk/jofa pad is the right choice

For you perhaps it is, but not for everyone.

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