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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Sunflower seeds

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its not very popular here in south east michigan, me and some of my hoceky and baseball guys chew, and then theres the random chewers at parties just beucase others are, but besides that its looked down on pretty harsh, yet 14 year old kids smokin cigs is completly acceptable

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I get bitched at for doing it and not a whole lot of people do here in Illinois. And to LChockeys question-If I ever found a girl who dipped, I probally wouldnt talk to her.

And also what I was gona say before, I wish they would reverse some flavors between sunflower seeds and dip. Like make some peach, apple, mint sunflower seeds. And make some BBQ, Ranch dip.

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Cope Black is the best, just can't find it that often.

Ya its pretty hard to find especially up here in Alberta but when found it is defiently stocked up on. I've been looking to try some cope starihgt how is it compared to skoal? I'm sure it will still have copenheagens signature taste but maybe a little sweeter ?

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  All Torhs Team said:

I get bitched at for doing it and not a whole lot of people do here in Illinois. And to LChockeys question-If I ever found a girl who dipped, I probally wouldnt talk to her.

And also what I was gona say before, I wish they would reverse some flavors between sunflower seeds and dip. Like make some peach, apple, mint sunflower seeds. And make some BBQ, Ranch dip.

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you dont chew. anyone who suggests those flavors has never chewed. Ranch chew? you kiddin?

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  LChockey24 said:

do kids dip a lot around you all?

i know im in kentucky, but people dip and do that kinda stuff all the time, even at school and stuff here.

i know a lot about dip because lots of people do it.

do you all know any girls who do it?

i think its nasty

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Yep, here in New England it's mostly a "frat guy" kinda thing, with the exception of the guys at my lhs... I would say 2 out of 5 kids still in high school that frequest Pure Hockey in Braintree come in gripping a bottle to spit in.

  All Torhs Team said:

I'd try it. You wouldnt think ranch sunflower seeds are good either, but their a hit.

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They're a hit, until the ranch mixes in your stomach with the Gatorade you drank before you skated... and you get horrible reflux, and start burping godawful stuff.

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  JR Boucicaut said:

Yes, exactly what it is. It's pretty good, I can dip Cope Straight.

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Sweet i'll be sure to pick some up next time i'm down in the states.

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  Doctor Hook said:

Picked up a bag of David's Jalapeno Hot Salsa Sunflower Seeds. Anyone got love for these spicy goodies?

Also, thoughts on Slim Jims? I like.

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the jalapeno are good but i need to take em with a gatorade or im thirsty for a wek

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haha i know a girl in my high school that started chewing to quit smoking. i think she might even chew cope haha. anyone know when that citrus blend is coming out? i wonder if it'll be decent.

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I've seen Skoal and stuff in the Dominican when i have been there past years, anybody know if the citrus may be there? or be like the same as Canada, get it a while later?

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When i was in Puerto Plata.. (sorry JR haha), in the Playa Dorada complex, the little shopping market outside near the golf course, a little store in there had a rack of it. I noticed it, then had to look again to see if what i was seeing was right. It was literally a hockey puck, not the normal smaller pucks. Pretty cheap too.

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  tyler9 said:

Skoal Citrus comes out the 12th in the states probably a good 6 months until us canucks get it.

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I want to try this, I just had a date on the bus ride home from school with Skoal Apple Blend. Got it from the states, so it was a surprise to see the huge tins, without the indent in the bottom.

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Ya our 15 gram instead of 30 are a pretty big piss off, and wHats up with that indent they just started it in the past few months?

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I don't know, I just starting dipping more lately, and since then, they've always had the indent. It does make it a bit easier to dabble though.

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  JR Boucicaut said:

It would suck to live in Canada and those half-tins. Those half-tins are given out as samples at NASCAR races.

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Ya the real kickers were paying 7.49 a dam tin too. :angry:

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Yea, its brutal up here. Up here a pouch of red man is $17! on a side note, anyone on here chew rooster wintergreen? Best stuff i've had for a while.

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