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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Souray's stick last night

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Think the leafs will be in St. Pat's unis?

That would be cool....Leafs in St. Pats Green...Habs in Vintage Whites.

I doubt it will happen though.

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It's just a custom SE. I played hockey a couple weeks ago with a kid who had Souray's stick, which was a regular synergy with a faded green bottom. Im guessing he upgraded to the SE and liked the faded green bottom so kept it.

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Orrrr it's still an ST painted SE-ish, like a lot of "SEs" are.

Souray's never used an ST or anything other then an SL when using an Easton stick, so that wouldnt really make sense in Souray's case

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I heard it's a synergy 300 painted to look like a ST painted to look like a SE.

but underneith all that its just a mylec powershot, but since its pro stock it doesn't have the airflow blade

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I can't see him using anything other than that going off the sticks he's used before, but oh well.

true, but he said recently that he loves easton's new sticks because all the ones he used to use broke so easily, I guess refering to his XN10's and the green RBK 6K's, he broke about 3 6K's per game in the habs series against carolina last year in the playoffs, but who knows, if the guy who said he knows a guy who has the stick isn't lying then I guess we have our answer

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