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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Rain is in the forecast at Rexall Place tonight

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wish i could be going to the game, the retirement ceremonies are always good....

on another note, i've noticed alot this year that the oilers like to lose whenever there is a pre-game ceremony, so lets see if they can break that trend

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...i wonder what tomrorows front page will be on the newspaper

How about:

"Lowe Made a Mess" with a split page picture of Smyth and Messier

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...i wonder what tomrorows front page will be on the newspaper

How about:

"Lowe Made a Mess" with a split page picture of Smyth and Messier

Wow. Haha thats actually pretty good... :lol:

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Lowe wasn't on the ice for the ceremony. Good choice on his part...the fans probably wouldn't have been pleasant.

But, a shame that such a key part of the Oiler dynasty and teammate of Messier wasn't there.

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Dan Barnes of the Edmonton Journal said something to the tune of, No worries oiler fans, Smyth will be here to stay. In this mornings paper.

Bad call.

Ouch! Any insider "cred" he had is shot all to hell now

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Did they have to pull Dave Hunter away from the buffet table to get him out on the ice in time for the ceremony? There is always one former player at these ceremonies who looks like he went straight from the locker room to the kitchen and never left once his career ended. The winner at the Lucky Luc party was Jay Miller. He couldn't fight his way out of a Dunkin Donuts bag now.

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