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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate quality

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whick has better qaulity i tried on both and the rbk 9k's felt better than the xxx's and xxxx's (it was the show model but it happened to be in my size)(also tried on the s15's and they felt like they locked my heel right in place) but which one has the best quality btween them?


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It all depends on how you like them if they fit, then they fit go for it but if you are more of the rbk or nbh guy then just go for one of them =/

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Which ever felt the best is the one to purchase!!! All skates today are pretty much equal in quality. Of course I'm talking about the same price range. FIT, FIT, FIT, is the most important factor in your purchase.

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Well, I've had my RBK 9K's since June and there's a few cosmetic scratches (few on the holders, one on the front of the skate and then some on the tendon guard) but other than that you could hardly tell that they've been worn as much as they have been. (I skate 5 times a week on them.)

The only thing I have gotten done to them was to add a heel lift.

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Frankly I'd say the 9K's are a better quality product. I'm being very impartial because I like Easton and Graf when it comes to ice hockey skates.

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He is asking about quality and not all skates are equal on quality. IMO the RBK is of higher quality.

That is JUSTyour opinion.

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Interesting... a rather meaningless and undefined thread here. I teach marketing and advertising and I never allow my students to use the word "quality" because it is meaningless.

How do you define "quality"? Is it durability? Is it materials? Lightness? The lemon fresh scent?

What are you using to measure and determine quality? Is it the fit of one skate over another on your foot?

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Quality can be measured by the consumer. It is not a meaninless or subjective aspect. If a manufacturer has poor quality control, the results will be seen in the product. Fit is not quality, the holders being mounted crooked, or 5 out of every 10 runners breaking, well those are indicators of quality, be it in human or materials.

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jimmy - Of course quality can be defined and measured. What makes "quality" have meaning is to define what it is. As you have done by defining "quality" as materials and assembly. As some posters have done in this thread by equating their reponse to things such as durabiity.

Without a definition, quality is a meaningless term.

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I'd say RBK's are stronger but if the Bauers fit you better (like me) I would go with them. Fit is the most important thing in a skate--or any piece of equipment--so go for fit first.

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Yes I agree,go with what fits you the best. You perform better with what your comfortable with. Hopefully whatever skate manufacturer you choose you will be happy with your choice.

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Make them stay after school, Hockymom! Me, I bow to your marketing expertise !! I relate this to people fighting over which make of car is better. If someone had a bad experiance with a particular make, then likely they say it sucks. Well, even the most highly rated cars by Consumers, or whoever have problems, they just have a lower percentage of reported issues. The only people qualifed to say one brand of skate is worse than another is a LHS that sells enough of both to see trends. Cars made in Japan do much better in Consumer type reports, based on reported issues, but somewhere a guy has a Chevy that has never given him a problem and he'll swear by them, even though that brand is rated poorly as a whole in Consumers. Buy what fits the best.

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