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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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United Cycle stops stocking mission

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Chadd you know your going to see cut down stealths this fall at mite clinics everywhere. The parents are just as bad. They all want their "next one" to have the latest and greatest.

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Chadd you know your going to see cut down stealths this fall at mite clinics everywhere. The parents are just as bad. They all want their "next one" to have the latest and greatest.

Exactly my point, just don't make the base model synergy anymore or paint them like the expensive models. Gotta hand it to the marketing department they do a good job, but try explaining it to a parent when their kid can't lift the puck and they're using the bottom 1/3 of a 100 flex stick.

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Some guy got into an argument over the phone with me one time.  He was convinced he was a size 8, and his whole argument was that he's always worn  8 and has been playing hockey for 32 years.

That's when I ask "in what brand?"

Too many people come in to the shops knowing exactly what they want regardless of practicality. More choices are based on color or marketing than on functionality for the player. I honestly think Easton should just paint all of the junior synergys black or orange anymore, I'm sick of seeing 100 flex sticks cut by a foot or more.

Trust me, I did.

He wanted no part of it. All I wanted was for him to come in and try them on.

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Some guy got into an argument over the phone with me one time. He was convinced he was a size 8, and his whole argument was that he's always worn 8 and has been playing hockey for 32 years. I basically told him that some skate sizes have changed and he hung up on me...

so if i get it right this guy has been playin hockey since he was say 16( when your feet stop growin) and he is 53 years old. If not this guys is saying that he has played hockey all his life and stayed in a size 8. ;)

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Where do you get 53 from? 16 + 32 is actually 48, but luckily this isn't a math message board.

Edit - sorry to be off topic guys, 16 + 38 is 54. Whatever.

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If United has stopped carrying Mission (they were never really big Mission supporters anyway IMO) I would try Pro Skate as mentioned - or Klondike - I've always had good luck there.

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Variety is good. You're limiting your customers by carrying select lines.

But, you dont carry Easton, arent ya limiing your customers?

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I was going to say I havent read the whole thread... but I guess if I was too lazy to read the thread, I would have been too lazy to write that too, ey :)

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Tyler - I wouldnt worry too much, with most shops, if you go in and say:

-I skate ___ often

-Ive skated in _________ in the past, and did/did not like them

-My budget is _____

most shops will have several models to show, and try them all on, you never know what youll like.

As far as what Ryan said, i totally agree, i see it all the time, people come in and say "Nike Hockey!?!?! ill never use that." o rsomething similar. i love contradicting people in the shop:

"Nike hockey stuff sucks."

-"Actually, theyre one of the best."

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