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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX on ebay!

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Or we could just wait a month and a half and not pay whatever the exorbitant amount of money the winning bidder will end up paying.

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Or we could just wait a month and a half and not pay whatever the exorbitant amount of money the winning bidder will end up paying.

And one that fits?

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yeah, people complain about the prices at a lhs and buy online but will spend more than at a lhs to get something a month before it comes out and still not get the benefits of buying from a lhs.

And don't be worried I've seen whole families win all of the skates given as prizes, happens everyday. :rolleyes:

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Well, right now they are less than LHS price and you have to keep up with the Jonses, so why not get ahead of them? Plus they are the LIGHTEST skates ever, and as we all know, when it comes to hockey equiptment, the lighter the better.

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I thought they weighed less than the XXXs but more than the one90. Unless you were being sarcastic with that part of your comment too.

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Well, right now they are less than LHS price and you have to keep up with the Jonses, so why not get ahead of them? Plus they are the LIGHTEST skates ever, and as we all know, when it comes to hockey equiptment, the lighter the better.

technically the ONE90's are still lighter.

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Looks like a different boot to me compared to the other Vapors..It seems to be a Vapor in name only, but then again I've never worn a Vapor XXXX. I could be wrong though.

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forget about the cosmetics of the boot. if you look at the actual cut of the boot, it's identical to all the other vapors with roman numerals.

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the 40 is a bit wider than the 30 and the s15 is going to be the new lightest skate out there. the 40 is molded like the flexlite 12, thats just from visual comparison.

the 40 is a bit wider than the 30 and the s15 is going to be the new lightest skate out there. the 40 is molded like the flexlite 12, thats just from visual comparison.

the 40 is a bit wider than the 30 and the s15 is going to be the new lightest skate out there. the 40 is molded like the flexlite 12, thats just from visual comparison.

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the 40 is a bit wider than the 30 and the s15 is going to be the new lightest skate out there. the 40 is molded like the flexlite 12, thats just from visual comparison.

what is the s15??

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S15 is Easton's new skate, the Stealth S15.

Wonderenzo: the XXXX is built on the last of the XX and XXX. The entire line of new Vapors will fit the same as the older lines. NBH did add some thicker ankle padding to the new skates. Visual comparisons do you no good when it comes to fit. Flexlites are wider and taller boots.

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