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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Running out of Vapor 10's?

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idk about blake but i was in the sabres eq roomlast night after the game and max has at least 12 new pairs left

he must guard a couple at home in a safe...

i would

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In storage I still have two pairs, one of which only saw about a month of ice. eBay goldbomb waiting to detonate, B.

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I go to a lot of King games and noticed the switch when they played the Blue Jackets last week. I was wondering if it was his first w/ the XXX's. Although he is sporting the older Tuuk's. I read a few years ago that Blake is very tough on his skates and goes through quite a few pairs a season so I bet they must not make the 10's any more (even custom). As for the pro-tec-toe I think the equipment guys went crazy as that all the Bauer's on the Kings last night were all shinny w/ it. Yea I'm a geek and notice all that stuff at the games...

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I go to a lot of King games and noticed the switch when they played the Blue Jackets last week. I was wondering if it was his first w/ the XXX's. Although he is sporting the older Tuuk's. I read a few years ago that Blake is very tough on his skates and goes through quite a few pairs a season so I bet they must not make the 10's any more (even custom). As for the pro-tec-toe I think the equipment guys went crazy as that all the Bauer's on the Kings last night were all shinny w/ it. Yea I'm a geek and notice all that stuff at the games...

Its GOOD that you are a geek. Seriously, thats you and we all are here. Ubergeeks unite ;)

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This does not surprise me....especially after talking to some NBH guys about custom skates. The last is longer available by NBH....so the materials must be all but gone. 7000 and 8000 skate material is not even used on most skates anymore...and Bauer no longer makes any skates out of natural leather. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the Vapor 8 and 10 were the first skates to use carbon vs thermoplastic in the quarters for Bauer. I believe that the real issue is the lack of leather materials that makes reproducing the skate an issue.

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No...the last is still available - the components to make those skates aren't.

There are two pair at Hockeytown Authentics at JLA for Lang - but no Bauer logo on them.

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No...the last is still available - the components to make those skates aren't.

There are two pair at Hockeytown Authentics at JLA for Lang - but no Bauer logo on them.

im pretty sure perani's has some 10's still stockpiled in there wherehouse somewhere.

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