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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shanahan clone?

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hi guys

i've been playing with the shanahan curve for a while and like it a lot. however, there's not much blade selection out there for it. i'm wondering if there are any shanahan clone's out there, the pattern DB says no. I've used the Recchi curve too and don't like it. Is there a clone out there, and if not, what's the closest?


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Bauer P10 in composite and Mission Cole are clones. The Mission is actually legal so it's a bit smaller.

We're still working on getting everything matched up.

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Guest 2048

I don't know how close it is, but my koho crossover jagr curve is a toe curve. Hate the blade though. Lie is too high and the curve is terrible. I may for once get a new roller hockey blade before i wear though my old one bc i hate it so much.

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Y does everyone say its a bananna? I have a 2002? ultra Graphite shanny and it has a slight toe curve and a little loft, personally i hate it. The blade it too long.

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It doesn't look like its a banana because its straight until the toe, but its actually a monster. Its a massive 3/4 curve, and the blade is about 5 feet long.

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It doesn't look like its a banana because its straight until the toe, but its actually a monster. Its a massive 3/4 curve, and the blade is about 5 feet long.

It would be a damn good curve IMO if they shortened it a bit and rounded off the toe.

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I actually made a curve like that with an old Koho 3380 Selanne. I recuved it a bit (it was a small mid-toe to begin with) and rockered the toe so it looked like a Sakic. It was really nice the few times I used it on ice. Then I got bored and made it into a Jagr-esque toe. It's sittin in my blade bin as we speak.

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Bauer P10 in composite and Mission Cole are clones. The Mission is actually legal so it's a bit smaller.

We're still working on getting everything matched up.

Is the retail Shanny an illegal curve? I've been using Shanny's for a while now and someone commented on the curve this past week.

What's the easy test....I've heard if you lie the blade curve down you shouldn't be able to roll a dime under it...is that acurate?

I just tried it on one of my blades and a dime didn't fit under the curve.

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The curve is measured at the bottom of the blade and a dime is just about 1/2 inch.

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