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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xn10 problem

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just got my xn10 and I LOVE IT! I have a problem though. near the heel, the blade is starting to split...not crack but seperate like from where the two pieces of the blade were put together. This is also happening with my modo z-carb. could it be the surface im shooting on? i practice on outdoor sportcourt which a little rougher than normal SC. also some of the gloss on my blade is really peeling after i pulled the tape off. is this normal

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you could be using too high of a lie and making harsh contact on that part of the blade into the surface on slap shots. What curve is your Xn10?

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The gloss comes off all the time on just about every brand stick I've ever used. As for the heel, it sounds like the lie is too high or the stick is too long if you're only breaking teh heel and it's happening on multiple brands.

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It looks like you need to enter the realm of sub lie 5 sticks. Good Luck. Inno Fedorov is my only suggestion, either that or bend your knees more so you stop skating like Gretzky. :D

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a shorter stick may not solve the problem if you like having it farther from your body

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I'd say you definitely need a lower lie but if you're using the Tkachuk your pretty SOL with the XN10 unless you can find a 4.5 pro stick.

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im gonna try a shorter stick first, right now mine is about nose hihi. im gonna try taking the plug out so its to my lower part of my chin. if that dosent work....than its federov blades for me lol. but ill be SOL if inno stops making retail (forgot if they are or not didnt finish reading the topic).

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and the chances of finding a 4.5-4 with a whip flex are even slimmer.

P13 is a hair under 5

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P13 is a heel curve, they show up from time to time if you keep your eyes open for them.

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Do you have a shot of the p14 Chadd? Sounds like something that I would use...

I don't have a pic of either the 13 or 14

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ive been in the hunt for a 4.7 or a 4.5 lie, to no avail. Cutting the stick did it for me, I use to have my stick cut at "standard" height, just abought at my lips, but now I have it cut to my chest, took a good few inches off of it. Its perfect height for stick handeling, because the blade is perfectly on the ice from where i put my hands. Not that it will work for everybody, but it works for me, the tape isnt wearing @ the heel anymore.

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yeah, that is one drawback, I was looking to buy an intermediate stick to regain it, but I dont know yet. I was even in the market for a junior stick ;) Have not used the fedey, dont like the curve

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shorter stick helped.....but it may be a weak blade....it looks like its in the very very very beginning stage of seperating. looks like it is a little from the heel to the mid but i just may be skeptical. i can see a line from the heel to there.... so i dont kno if i wrong or not

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