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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xn10 problem

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Wow that p13 is absolutely sexy. Looks alot like my styles 97 si core which is absolutely the best blade ever..

True to form since Sundin used the RP and that's the TPS Sundin.

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In that case, it IS my styles si core. Best curve ever created, I swear if any company released that retail I know about 50 kids who would order 20 of them.

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In that case, it IS my styles si core. Best curve ever created, I swear if any company released that retail I know about 50 kids who would order 20 of them.

It is a great all around curve. It's awesome when stickhandling, works well for wrist and snap shots, it's lethal on slappers, and above all the lie is low enough. Nobody in my league would ever buy one though becuase it's "too straight for me."

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Yeah, Goalieheaven. XN10s I haven't seen, RH or otherwise, but they have P13 Responses out there for $99

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I saw those, but the price is one thing but the curve looks goofy. I haven't seen his XN10 pattern but the last Synergy patterns Sundin had got a bit bigger than that P13.

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FWIW, the broken tenon I pulled out of my P31 XN10 had "SUNDIN" clearly stamped into it.

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If that's what he's using I'm going to shy away from those. The comparison shots I had of the P31 against the Sundin and RP patterns were just nasty.

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Yeah, the P31 has a lot more curve than a P13 or Inno Sundin. The P13 is not as open as the Inno Sundin though.

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In that case, it IS my styles si core. Best curve ever created, I swear if any company released that retail I know about 50 kids who would order 20 of them.

Can we see a pic of the Styles curve Cavs, if you dont want to post it than PM me. Also what is the lie on the Styles sticks.

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sure ill have it up sometime today, I can take a pic for the DB if you guys want, just tell me how to host it.

Email me the pic for the DB, I'll put it on the server with the rest of the pics we have.

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anybody know what lie the fischer blade was on the vector 110's?i think its a 6 but might be wrong.im using one and its wearing in the centre or the blade and i hear thats a good thing thing although my first one cracked on the heel.

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