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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shanahan or simone gagne curve

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hey guys, I've been using the shanahan(easton) and gagne (bauer) curve for years now and both have been discontinued for a while....well the new gagne curve is a lot different. so i was wondering if any of you know where i can get these still? i've been checking ebay and many of the websites, but no luck.

so is there any curve out there that is similar to these? any help would be great!

oh and i am looking for tapered blades only.


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I know it doesn't really help you out, but a few months back I bought 3 Mission Ether(tapered) blades, Detroit pattern, which I believe is a Shanny clone.

I broke one, and put the other 2 in broken OPS' for a few of my teammates this year. If I had 1 left, I'd give it to ya.

I also sold a Vapor XX P10 at the beginning of the year(cheap too, $30). Sorry...

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I was a big fan of the wooden Shanny curve. I switched to a Rbk P38/Datsyuk and didn't notice much a difference.

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There are ones out there: Gear / Bozek, Mission / Cole, Ripshot has one (but is not tapered), Inno / Marshall (pro pattern), Mission / Marshall (pro pattern), and the pro pattern that Chadd mentioned.

The Mission Marshall's were on HockeyMonkey a while back, but I think they're out.

If you look out for the Bauer Gagne, make sure you get P10 and not P106 as they recently changed.

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Dude, I feel your pain. I really couldnt use another curve until I basically had too.

I tried a Kovalev Innovative wich is NOTHING like the Shanny/Gagne. I actually shoot harder, and my passing is better I think. The only thing I havent discovered is my wrist shot. But its coming along.

I would try that curve. Its a Drury in Easton too by the way.

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thanks for the responese so far =D

what curve is the TPS P14? is brendan morrow...?

No, it's a pro stock curve but it's pretty much identical to the Shanny.

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I know, i was in the same boat. I was placing an order with the Hockey shop and I asked them, they had none, but they told me to check Cyclone Taylor and they have shanny curves in a couple of wood blades, hybrid pro and lami I think, but they have quite a few of them

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hey guys, I've been using the shanahan(easton) and gagne (bauer) curve for years now and both have been discontinued for a while....well the new gagne curve is a lot different. so i was wondering if any of you know where i can get these still? i've been checking ebay and many of the websites, but no luck.

so is there any curve out there that is similar to these? any help would be great!

oh and i am looking for tapered blades only.


If it is the Gagne P10 you speak of, EWH is selling them right now. Look under the sticks/shafts/blades category, and they have them listed in a 3 pack.

I know it doesn't really help you out, but a few months back I bought 3 Mission Ether(tapered) blades

Did you get any of the Mission Ether shafts? I missed out on those. There is a 100 Flex on ebay right now, but I'm looking for 85.

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hey guys, I've been using the shanahan(easton) and gagne (bauer) curve for years now and both have been discontinued for a while....well the new gagne curve is a lot different. so i was wondering if any of you know where i can get these still? i've been checking ebay and many of the websites, but no luck.

so is there any curve out there that is similar to these? any help would be great!

oh and i am looking for tapered blades only.


If it is the Gagne P10 you speak of, EWH is selling them right now. Look under the sticks/shafts/blades category, and they have them listed in a 3 pack.

I know it doesn't really help you out, but a few months back I bought 3 Mission Ether(tapered) blades

Did you get any of the Mission Ether shafts? I missed out on those. There is a 100 Flex on ebay right now, but I'm looking for 85.

No the blades were in a bargain bin at a LHS. $5 each.

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Id also like to add that the warrior jovanaowski and the mission mccauley are similar. The one that is most similar is the mccauley.

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Cj, those 2 patterns you mentioned are similar in shape, long with a square toe.

But Jovo and McCauley are both open heel curves, and are actually Lidstrom clones.

Shanny/p10 are mid/toe curves.

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Cj, those 2 patterns you mentioned are similar in shape, long with a square toe.

But Jovo and McCauley are both open heel curves, and are actually Lidstrom clones.

Shanny/p10 are mid/toe curves.

What he said ;)

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Basically you pick the colors you want, get your name or whatever printed on the stick and you get a choice of 15(i believe) curves and various flexes.

Check out nikeid.com to get an idea of what nike offers for other products.

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A lot of my players have had the same problem with not being able to find the old shanny pattern, however the RBK Datsyuk, Warrior Robitaille, are very similar. If anything Ive looked at the robitaille and it seems almost the same, a lot of my guys have made this transition with no problem. I know that the mission cole is a shanny clone if you can find any of these available.

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on the XXXlite as well, I believe the XXXX is going to be a bit of a wait.

You're right. I'm getting ahead of myself again. Then again, the NikeiD program hasn't launched yet, and I'm not sure if there's a specific date set for it.

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funny thing is i thought that the p10 was discountinued..but its on the 07 order list..idk if jr knows more about it but just wierd. and we are out of the p10 vap XX blades. mid-toe with a square toe hard to find. XXXX is holiday release

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