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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin 1933

2008 Mission Product

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I think those say Lieutenant on the bottom. Justin, are the 2008 models 'ranked'? I remember the "Boss" skate, and now a Lieutenant. Will there be "Sargeant" shin pads, etc?

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Rrrrriiight, so Don Justin, how's the olive oil business going for these days?

BTW, nice looking pants, any chance of some more (hi-res!!) skate pics?

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Happy Friday:


That is soooooo sick!! Definitely on my buy list if it's anything like my 950's!! Nice work...

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Happy Friday:


that is one sexy looking skate.

cant way too see the rest of them. hopefully, they fit much like the wicked. then i will be happy.

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that ruined my day. and considering i just had my tooth pulled, thats saying something.

thanks jr.

well, who knows, maybe it will fit better for me. i'll give em a try.

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I remember seeing back in the post the 120AG mounted via Photoshop with the Vanguard chassis from the Wicked 3 skate, and those are dead sexy. I'm hoping to see something similar to that in the new Syndicate line. Based on color schemes from the past, I am assuming that the 3rd skate down from the top will be that black boot.

As you all may have noticed, from the top, the skates have been White, Silver, Black.

Justin, does this system still hold for the new line?

Pictures would be fine, as well, or course.

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