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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin 1933

2008 Mission Product

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Those pants look great. Any lawsuits from Burberry yet?

I changed the pattern, so that it was not a rip off...Colors are different, as well as the size of the pattern....

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i havent disliked anything ive seen so far, ive recently turned to tour for skates and pants but these are looking bueno. What does the Lieutenent line look like?

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Whatever happened to plain white or black paints? What is with the crazy patterns. I have held onto my old Mission pants for a long time because I just like plain black on black.

Hopefully the new lines will be available like that.

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Here you go:


BT, we have had black on black for the past three years...

Thats what im talking about! Those look awesome. Are those the top of the line pant or 2nd?

I haven't seen the black on black for about 2 years at my local hockey store or anyone that has had them where I play but good to know I can find them out there.

Its going to be an expensive Fall, thanks mission!


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I have no idea....

These are the last set of pics for sometime...Heading on the road next week to show the dealers the new line...

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oh man, the nearest store around here who will carry it will probably get it well after the rest of the world. but just the skates, nothing else.

well, maybe the inlinerink proshop. but its just so pricey there.

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Awhile back, when Justin was revealing some of the product which was at the time the Helium stuff, I made a comment about the "Urbanization" of roller hockey. One of the pants had like graffiti graphics and I said in a post that I thought Mission was really grasping the urbanization of the roller hockey and making it a "street" game by having products with camoflauge and graffiti. That I liked classical hockey stuff, black skates, nothing fancy, etc.

I believe Justin responded back that Mission was not urbanizing anything, and that these were just color schemes...something to that effect.

Now...if having names like Syndicate, Boss, Assassin, skates with argyle patterns and pants that look like Burberry isn't "Urbanizing" the game, then I don't know what is!

Not that that's a bad thing. I've always liked how Mission kept changing things, testing new designs, and being willing to make changes when it was clear things needed to be re-done. And that's what's kept me a loyal Mission buyer and will keep me a loyal buyer. Once again, I'm impressed with the line-up and I look forward to getting into a pair of Bosses.

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well, i would try not to think of it as urbanization but i see were ur comming from. I hate it when people ask me if i play ice and i say i play inline hockey and then they think i play in the streets somewhere. I dont think this is making it more like street though. I think that mission tries to give inline hockey a reble mentality which doesnt really bother me and i like the new designs that mission comes out with. Like these new pants and skates and gloves. I especially like the tux jerseys. I think that mission really tries to bring style to the game and i think that missions stuff really fits the style of the game, free flowing and open as opposed to a stricter and more positioned game like ice hockey and thats what i like so much better about the roller game. Thats why i like mission so much because they're always the creative ones that have the best lines as far as design. Not that the performance isnt top of the line either, just look at the difference between the inline and ice equipment

the soldier was the all black pant on the last page

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i like everything, i just don't know about the pattern on the assasin skates, everything else looks good.

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The assasin skates look pretty cool...diggin' the chassis color.

I like the black pants. Bought two pairs of wicked 5's in black last go around because I liked the look and feel so much.

So is there one more skate to debut?

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Very disappointed. Hopefully they perform better than they look.

Thanks for posting them though, Justin.

Just out of curiosity, why? You are actually the first person with a negative comment on the whole line. I know I can't make every one happy, but I appreciate your feedback.

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The Assassin look is definitely different, I think the pattern will probably grow on me. Right now it looks kinda weird, but this is also the first time something like that has been done on a skate (at least that I know of). The rest of the skate and especially the chassis totally rock.

One thing I am thinking of regarding the patterns on the skate is how a scratched up boot is going to look after some bumping and grinding. My 9500s right now have scratches and wear patches all over the side, but the rough spots don't stand out too much since the boots are a solid color.

In any case, nice job Justin, the innovation every year never ceases to amaze me.

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