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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i like that a lot. music is really my only true passion, don't get me wrong i love hockey but you will hardly ever find me without my ipod or a cd or tapping a drum beat.

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Iam looking to get a written tattoo. Just wondering if anyone knows the names of any cool fonts?

Get it in Old 'E


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i find most tattoos to be an eye sore, mainly skulls and meaningless stuff like that. i make an exception for maori tattoos thought, although tribal i think they look amazing. i also enjoy some of the original pieces by some of those extremely talented inkists out there

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I believe tattoos should be something personal. I already have mine picked out. I plan on getting this, and whenever a family member of mine passes away, I'll get their initirals and date of birth/death around it.


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Yeah I thought that would be the response, but yes.

I really like the design

yeah, but why use a copywritten image for an apparel company? :unsure: I have ink myself, and have plans for alot more, but that's one of those things I can see under the category with cartoon characters and misc. logos.

I mean you're basically getting a Famous Stars and Stripes logo..... ??? I don't see how it's personal to you in particular (trust me, I agree with what you said about having personal meaning)

i find most tattoos to be an eye sore, mainly skulls and meaningless stuff like that. i make an exception for maori tattoos thought, although tribal i think they look amazing. i also enjoy some of the original pieces by some of those extremely talented inkists out there

most tattoos nowadays aren't skulls anyway.... as for eyesores, tribal would probably rank right up there as a top 3 in terms of lack of creativity/eyesore ink - unless we're talking the polynesian stuff which is friggin' gnarly..

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i find most tattoos to be an eye sore, mainly skulls and meaningless stuff like that. i make an exception for maori tattoos thought, although tribal i think they look amazing. i also enjoy some of the original pieces by some of those extremely talented inkists out there

There was a story years ago, in Skin and Ink magazine, about a Maori man who came face to face with a white man with his face tattooed. As it turned out, the white guy's face was an exact replica of the Maori man's grandmother.

Tribals, skulls or f*cking care bears... every tattoo should be personal.

That's what makes the Maori tattoos what they are.

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ebondo, i love that logo, and was seriously considering getting the logo somewhere small and descrete just simply becasue its what i like, and if you to then why not get it? on a side note im wearing that shirt right now :P

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ebondo, i love that logo, and was seriously considering getting the logo somewhere small and descrete just simply becasue its what i like, and if you to then why not get it? on a side note im wearing that shirt right now :P

Weird, because I am too hahaha.

But yes, I know it's just a logo of Famous Stars and Straps. If it wasn't, I'd still like it. It's just something that appeals to me, the way it looks and stuff.

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When you first start getting tattooed, there is the bullshit necessity for your ink to have some deep seated meaning and importance.

Thousands of dollars and multiple days worth of sittings bring you to a point where the meaning doesn't really matter. It's the act of being tattooed that matters.

Who gives a f*ck it's forever. I think it's sad people can't think of something they want on them for the rest of their lives.

My piece of not giving a f*ck.

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i may have worded that wrong, i hate tribal apart from maori, and being from nz i plan on getting something that goes with my country of origin

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When you first start getting tattooed, there is the bullshit necessity for your ink to have some deep seated meaning and importance.

Thousands of dollars and multiple days worth of sittings bring you to a point where the meaning doesn't really matter. It's the act of being tattooed that matters.

Who gives a f*ck it's forever. I think it's sad people can't think of something they want on them for the rest of their lives.

My piece of not giving a f*ck.

I understand completley. When ppl see the tattoo of my angel on my back they always ask me, "why did u get an angel? whats its meaning to you?". My reply, "it looks sweet. its meaning to me is i think it looks badass." No matter what your tattoo is, u dont just end up not liking it. Its like your name, you dont get bored of your name.

my first ink. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Cro...7hundred002.jpg

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When you first start getting tattooed, there is the bullshit necessity for your ink to have some deep seated meaning and importance.

Thousands of dollars and multiple days worth of sittings bring you to a point where the meaning doesn't really matter. It's the act of being tattooed that matters.

Who gives a f*ck it's forever. I think it's sad people can't think of something they want on them for the rest of their lives.

My piece of not giving a f*ck.

I understand completley. When ppl see the tattoo of my angel on my back they always ask me, "why did u get an angel? whats its meaning to you?". My reply, "it looks sweet. its meaning to me is i think it looks badass." No matter what your tattoo is, u dont just end up not liking it. Its like your name, you dont get bored of your name.

my first ink. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Cro...7hundred002.jpg

That is one bad ass lookin' angel. Cool.

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Law, I can't wait to get another tattoo. I want a cartoon-ie one like that style next.

You can join my gang (lol). We all have 3-year-old style drawn animals tattooed on us. I want to get a pink vampire bat on my other hip.

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sounds stupid to some, but im getting a double nautical star on the back of each of my arms, one for me, one for landon to symbolize luck through our journey of life together. have an appointment set up for june 27th

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I think if your going to get a tattoo you've got to be smart about it. I think WHERE you get your tattoo is more important than anything else. If your 20 years old, dont be getting a full sleeve tattoo or something on your neck or hand, because your chances of getting a good job with benefits and the like just got drastically reduced to next to nil.

I've got four tattoos, three of them you can't see if I wear a shirt, and the fourth you can't see if I wear pants.

In my opinion, getting a tattoo isn't about showing it off to the world, its about you and what you want to signify or pay homage (sp) to in your life. Maybe getting a full sleeve or huge back piece is how much space the artist needs to portray everything you wish to have on your body though.

I don't really know. Of course there are people that get tattoos or piercings that are visible so that people can see, for example the 'badass' with the skull and crossbones death to all betrayers leg sleeve, but thats more an ego type thing than anything else in my opinion..

There was a long article in the Hockey News about NHLers with tatoos and they were talking about Ryan Malone and Jaime Rivers and I like what they had to say:

Despite the amount of skin these players have dyed, most can hide them pretty well. (Malone) "Usually I wear a good golf shirt, its all hidden" Malone says, adding that he is conscious of his role as a pro athlete. "I keep it business for hockey. If I didn't play hockey I'd probably have more."

Rivers also adheres to the golf shirt principle. "I always ask myself 'do I really want to show up at a Make-A-Wish event tatoos showing, when that's one of the last memories that kid might have?' "

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