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NHL (hockey) Diet Manuals

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I heard NHL players have to follow specific designed meal plans during a season which they get by their teams

Does anyone has further information about this issue or maybe has already seen

such a nutrition manual??



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I don't think so, and if a guy is stupid enough to eat crappy food, then it is his fault and he won't perfrom.

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I dont think they do either, but i think they do follow like some stuff the trainor says during the conditioning camps to prepare for the season and its pretty self explainatory-nights before games probable some sort of carb with maybe a little protrien along for energy but i really dont think they follow a certain plan because they know whats right and wrong for you.

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NHL teams have trainers and nutrition people, but they don't have "one size fits all" diet guides simply because it wouldn't make any sense. A guy trying to put on 10 pounds needs an individual diet schedule made up to work with his individual tastes to accomplish that goal. A guy that needs to lose some weight needs a different program to work with his tastes and accomplish his goals.

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I don't think so, and if a guy is stupid enough to eat crappy food, then it is his fault and he won't perfrom.

Hey David, how long since you've had a big poutine with a lot of cheese ?? :P

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NHL teams have trainers and nutrition people, but they don't have "one size fits all" diet guides simply because it wouldn't make any sense. A guy trying to put on 10 pounds needs an individual diet schedule made up to work with his individual tastes to accomplish that goal. A guy that needs to lose some weight needs a different program to work with his tastes and accomplish his goals.

Year, I agree with that

the reason why I posted this question is, that the common opinion about NHL players is that everyone has problems to keep his weight up, I heard several times about NHLers who gained FAT!!!! under the season. (i.e Bertuzzi, Kovalchuk, Crosby) and these guys are not taking care of the bench!!!

There are lots of "secret strategies" when it comes to Hockey (NHL) nutritional questions ....

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actually NHL programs have nutrition sections on what your goal is, either maintain gain or lose weight. I've seen the blackhawks and ducks ones, and they both have extensive nutrition areas.

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Many moons ago one of the fitness magazines did a profile on Rod Brind'Amour and his fitness and nutrition regiment.

Might be worth checking out (if you can find it online).

Wish I had more for you.

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Many moons ago one of the fitness magazines did a profile on Rod Brind'Amour and his fitness and nutrition regiment.

Might be worth checking out (if you can find it online).

Wish I had more for you.

Can anyone find anything on this or something similar?

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hahahaha hidious, i hate you.

David, look at it this way. Playing in the NHL > Gravy and cheese on french fries. You are making the better decision.

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David, look at it this way. Playing in the NHL > Gravy and cheese on french fries. You are making the better decision.

No, buddy that´s not the question, we are not talking about eating 6 burgers

and 5 Lbs of french fries a day

we are talking about eating (dieting)to maintain fitness levels during a hockey season;

Look at this example: The NHL plays 3-4 Games a week = the normal regular player stays on ice during a game between 15 and 22 Minutes. Including warum ups and easy morning skate this means that they burn about 800 calories, let us say 1000 calories, by sports(mainly carbs = about 200 gramms) that´s not so much.

Thinking about the fact that you can´t train so often and intense playing 4 times a week (ice sessions as well as off ice). I.e. you have to be disciplined when it comes to nutritional questions or better you have to know what you have to eat (when what exactly how much) a bit like bodybuilders

So, it would be great to get further information about hockey dieting, at off-season phase as well as under the season...

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But I think you put it bigger then it really is. Considering the fact that so many NHL players have a pretty busy nightlife during the season, I can't believe they'll check their nutrition if they aren't even able to pass a season without drinking beers couple to many times a week. Guys like Ribeiro and Souray come to my mind but there are many others...

speaking of diets, major league baseball players get incentives in their contracts to lose weight. Jose Lopez can earn up to 125,000 dollars if he passes a couple of tests.


you would think pro atheletes didn't need incentives to eat and train correctly.

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i wouldnt mind eating a 60 dollar meal before a game either

but unfortunatley thats not gonna happen, unless i get into the NHL ;)

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I saw one of the training and health booklets that the NFL puts out. Seems very helpful, but I would love to see one the hockey specific one.

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