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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stupid, dirty girl

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Man, if I was that kids parents I would be so pissed. That guy must be a real goof.

He's the former mayor of LA and the current California Secretary of Education. I think he was just gettting annoyed that the kids wouldn't shut the hell up for 10 seconds.

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Man, if I was that kids parents I would be so pissed. That guy must be a real goof.

Didn't seem that bad to me... he was teasing, obviously. Poor choice of words, but he was probably trying to remember what he used to call girls at that age..

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I'm with Geki on this one. If you notice, he was playing around, and he didn't say it in a harsh tone. And after he said it, he kept on talking to her, so I really don't think he meant to insult her at all, he just had bad word choice.

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I think he kept talking so people wouldn't dwell on the idiotic thing he said. I'd like to know what was going through his mind to say something like that.

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I think he kept talking so people wouldn't dwell on the idiotic thing he said. I'd like to know what was going through his mind to say something like that.

Thats not it, you can tell that he was just joking with her, sure it wasnt in the best of taste, but if he woulda said dummy poopy girl, we wouldnt be talking about it, it was just as a joke.

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