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gaining weight

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i am woundering how to gain weight i have been 127 got a long time i eat a sub like everyday and i take mega mass protien drink

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eat 6-7 meals a day. try to be 500-1000 calories above maintenance levels. workout hard gets lots of protein. 1g per kg of bodyweight.

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Eat. You are going to have to increase the amount of food gradually, you can't just double your intake. Your digestive system will not like you. Get up early and eat, eat right before you go to bed, etc. Meal replacement bars and powders are good here, one of the only times I think supplements are worth it. I don't know about the one you are taking, make sure you are buying high quality stuff, the cheap stuff is hard to digest and mostly full of filler. Met-Rx, EAS, and others are reputable brands.

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i am woundering how to gain weight i have been 127 got a long time i eat a sub like everyday and i take mega mass protien drink

I think it would be smart to start w/;

How old are you?

How long is a long time?

How tall are you?

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4 weeks is hardly a long time of being the same weight. Just eat alot , especially protein , and work out even more.

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15 5'8' and about 4 weeks or longer

No offense, but I might of guessed...

Eat lots of protein and complex carbs. Steak, eggs, spinatch, broccoli, potatoes, sweet-potatoes. Stay away from GNC and others protein stuff or carb stuff, they are filled w/ unhealthy crap, especially for a man as young as yourself, and will not do you long term justice, but could do great harm.

Eating a sub a day is a good start, but eating 4 subs a day while doing extensive muscle building excercise, and drinking plenty of water will serve you better. Next and just as important ********RELAX!!!!******** You need to be patient, you are only 15 and your body will regulate itself very well if you are eating enough to handle the level of excercise you do, and your body will develope in it's own time. Don't base your weight or muscle mass on anyone else's body make up at any age. People are different and your body will develope when it knows it's ready. Don't force developement on your young body it is not healthy long term, you know like the next 80 years of your life...

Consult your general practice doctor to make sure it is safe for your body to engage in the high level of excercise you are seeking. Do this first then follow the recommended increase in eating and weight training, at your doctors recommended levels, and be patient. Give yourself a few years to develope, not just a few weeks. Be safe, and don't demand your body to be somthing it is not.

This is my advice. I hope it serves you well...

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haha.. i think I'm an expert on gaining weight...

eat more meals a day, but dont gorge yourself... like hockeydoc said, you're only 15, still a ways to go.

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just keep eating more till you figure out how many calories you need to gain weight.

i graduated high school at 113lbs, & was up to about 170 by age 21, with still a small waist.

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1) If you can't eat, you're not going to gain any weight. If you're doing it right, eating will likely become something of a chore.

2) Eat the right stuff. I'm not talking about stopping by every fast-food place you see on your way home from the rink.

3) Working-out "twice as more" (kärpät) isn't necessarily the way to go about doing things (granted, I don't know what kind of work-out regimen you're on right now). Working-out the right way is more important. High-weight, low-reps is what you're looking for. Make sure you're not doing the same routine everyday - not only will you become very bored very quickly, but you'll also overwork whichever muscle groups you're constantly working - which can be worse than not lifting at all.

4) Get plenty of sleep every night.

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Fast answer: gym, low reps.

Fast reply: your wrong.

it doesn't really matter how many reps you are doing, If you are lifting and eating enough protine and calories, you will gain muscle mass. Diet is 95% of your (read: everyones) problem, not their gym routines.

There is some that beleive that lifting high weights / low reps is good for strength, and lower wights / higher reps for size gains.....and while this is true to an extent, your not a professional wieght lifter or body builder so the middle ground is perfect.

Figure on sets of like 12-10-8-6 reps (with the weights moving up as you go). When you get bored start at 6 reps with a heavy weight and work up to 12 reps. You don't need to be in the gym forever either. You can lift in 45-60 minutes. If you are lifting for an hour and a half, you either over training, or taking way to long between sets.

But again go to bodybuilding.com and read. They have sport specific articles (hockey) and a great beginers section that will answer all the questions you could ask. The answers you get there and on the forums will be alot more informative, and reliable then what you are going to get by asking on a hockey board from a bunch of people who think they know what they are talking about.

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I figured i didn't know enought to reply but with all the reading i made on the internet, i had many doubts.

Low reps (6 max) improves your strenght but doesn't really improve mass.

I read on a very interesting forum ran by a physical activity bachelor that the best way to improve mass for beginners is to start with a 10-10 program which is: 10 series of 10 reps by muscular group.


3series of 10reps of a bicep exercise.

3series of 10reps of a different bicep exercise.

4series of 10reps of a different bicep exercise.

This will totally destroy the muscular group. Should be done once a week. You should not follow this program more than 8weeks and you should see fast results. The 10th rep of an exercise should be the last one you can do, the 11th one beeing impossible, too hard.

For optimal results, do Back/biceps together, pecs/triceps together, shoulder/forearms together, abs/legs together.

This program is rated :

Max strenght: 4/5

Explosive strenght: 2/5

Muscular volume: 5/5

Endurance strenght: 2/5

Hope this helps.

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and lower wights / higher reps for size gains ...you're wrong

Fast answer: gym, low reps.

Fast reply: your wrong.

it doesn't really matter how many reps you are doing, If you are lifting and eating enough protine and calories, you will gain muscle mass. Diet is 95% of your (read: everyones) problem, not their gym routines.

There is some that beleive that lifting high weights / low reps is good for strength, and lower wights / higher reps for size gains.....and while this is true to an extent, your not a professional wieght lifter or body builder so the middle ground is perfect.

Figure on sets of like 12-10-8-6 reps (with the weights moving up as you go). When you get bored start at 6 reps with a heavy weight and work up to 12 reps. You don't need to be in the gym forever either. You can lift in 45-60 minutes. If you are lifting for an hour and a half, you either over training, or taking way to long between sets.

But again go to bodybuilding.com and read. They have sport specific articles (hockey) and a great beginers section that will answer all the questions you could ask. The answers you get there and on the forums will be alot more informative, and reliable then what you are going to get by asking on a hockey board from a bunch of people who think they know what they are talking about.

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1. Increase the caloric value of your meals. Add powdered milk to casseroles for added calories, add avocados and olives to sandwiches, add wheat germ to your cereal, add chopped meat to your pasta sauce, and so on.

2. Eat every 2 hours or so.

3. Increase portion size.

4. Weight lifting. low reps. Join a gym. It'll make a world of difference to be in an environment where everybody else wants to get bigger too.

5. You need to be taking in more than you burn, and you may need to ease up on your aerobic program.

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You have an ectomorphic body style like my self. Fast metabolism, thin bone structure, can't gain weight etc...

1) This will be come a lifestyle change.

2 )Your going to have to more and it is going to suck. I'm not trying to discourage, rather let you know up front it is not going to be easy. Like someone said above it is going to be a chore to eat, because your not going to want to. Eventually your body gets used to it.

3) Like storm says heavy weight low reps

4) You won't gain weight skating three times a day. Your going to have to cut down cardio significantly. If that's a problem for you, I wouldn't bother trying to gain weight until the off-season. It's not unreasonable to gain 1-2 lbs a week of muscle. How much you eat properly and how hard you work will determine that.

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the only solution like everyone else is eating, not to a point that you get out of shape but eating will be the only solutions, alot of carbs and fiber.

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and lower wights / higher reps for size gains ...you're wrong

higher reps meaning 12 reps. Diet is the most important factor to building muscle mass......but dont tell people who dont know much about weight lifting low reps will make you huge, because your just spitting out incorrect information.

Sive Vs strength...half way down

pulled this off the bodybuilding.com website for you..........

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Thanks. I believe the article compares bodybuilders and powerlifters. I agree that to gain weight one should not train like a powerlifter ... "Studies have shown an intense set of 5 reps involves more fibers than an intense set of 1rep."

and lower wights / higher reps for size gains ...you're wrong

higher reps meaning 12 reps. Diet is the most important factor to building muscle mass......but dont tell people who dont know much about weight lifting low reps will make you huge, because your just spitting out incorrect information.

Sive Vs strength...half way down

pulled this off the bodybuilding.com website for you..........

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Caution: I once met a very good hockey player but lacked size ... I skated with him a year later ... he had gained so much weight he was unrecognizable on and off the ice.

My experience has been that if you join a hard core gym you will learn a lot from some members (you will find out soon enough which ones to listen to) on how to gain weight and strength without injuring yourself.

I tried over eating a couple of times but it didn't feel like it was the thing to do for me.

Stay away from roids.

Don't be in a hurry. I promise you by the time you're 18 you'll have a body you can be proud of. Slow and steady. Build a good foundation and in time you will know what works for your body.

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