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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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gaining weight

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hey guys I have some questions as I am trying to bulk up and get more power out of my shots and be more physical.

I am 15 almost 16 and I am 5 foot 4 inches and I weigh ony 105-109 lbs. switched from highschool to AA midget hockey and I am trying to pack on more muscle mass, and I read this thread the ony problem is I can't really eat 6 meals a day because food in school is strictly against the rules. Any tips on how I can really build my muscles especially my arms (upper and forearm) thanks.

You can never do enough legs and core. As a hockey player, that should be your main focus.

As said, your arms will get bigger simply from holding heavy weights while you do your routine.

Try a little whey protein after your workouts.

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hey guys I have some questions as I am trying to bulk up and get more power out of my shots and be more physical.

I am 15 almost 16 and I am 5 foot 4 inches and I weigh ony 105-109 lbs. switched from highschool to AA midget hockey and I am trying to pack on more muscle mass, and I read this thread the ony problem is I can't really eat 6 meals a day because food in school is strictly against the rules. Any tips on how I can really build my muscles especially my arms (upper and forearm) thanks.

My two cents. EAT, LIFT, AND SLEEP. First, the diet, I'd start with a 40-40-20 diet, it's common and good for beginners.

40-40-20 ratio (Bulking)

300g protein

300g carbs

67g fat

=3000 calories


For breakfast, before school, make a shake. It is quick and easy to get down a lot of calories. Milk, Fat free cottage cheese, oats, some whey powder, a few almonds, a couple of frozen strawberries (or some frozen fruit for flavor), blend. I'm usually running late for work, so this works for me. Eggs and oatmeal on the weekends.

If you can get away with it, snack on almonds between breakfast and lunch. I love almonds, they have the healthy fats you need, fiber, and they slow digestion. As for lunch and dinner, think chicken breast, steak, turkey burger, etc.

Some people are saying one whey shake post-workout, which is good but you need to time it right. Immediately after your workout, get in about 50g of simple carbs. BB websites will tell you dextrose or high molecular weight (HMW) carbs, those are fine, just keep it simple (chocolate milk). 15-30 min later is when you take your protein shake, blend in some oats too. You want a fast digesting protein, whey works.

I'd also eat something about an hour prior to working out, something with complex carbs, you need energy for lifting.

Before bed eat FF cottage cheese, and mix in some yogurt for flavor. Cottage cheese is a good source for casein protein, a slow digesting protein. You'll need a slow digesting protein since you won't be eating for a while.

Keep the fridge stocked with protein. I have 20lbs of frozen chicken breast, 4 gallons of milk, 5 large cartons of FF cottage cheese, about gallon of egg whites...you get the point. EAT.


You are young so don't do the heavy weight/low reps. Keep it above 12 reps. Lower weights will help you focus on your lifting technique and still build muscle. New lifters go straight to concentration curls, trying to build their biceps. DUMB. If you want biceps go do pull-ups. Basically, you want to target your large muscle groups, i.e., back, chest, and legs.

Start with something like this:

Back/Bi's: - Monday


Dead-lifts <---start with low weight, youtube how to do these properly


Barbell curls

Chest/Tris: - Wednesday

Bench press

Incline press

Tricep pushdowns

Legs/Shoulders: - Friday

Squats <--this is your key muscle builder

Leg Extensions

Leg Curls

Calf Raises

DB press for shoulders

Upright rows


Try to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. You are at a point in your life where your body is growing, sleeping will build those muscles.

Good luck.

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Some really good advice has been given.

Make sure you eat a lot, get your rest and when working out concentrate on the core of your body. Your peripheral muscles will come with the other movements (Biceps, Triceps etc).

My workouts do not comprise many lifts, and if I were you I'd be concentrating on standing military press, bench press, pull ups, chin ups, squats, deadlifts. If you do these exercises, and ensure you get enough rest and (good) food you'll get stronger and bigger without a doubt.

ps A good breakfast if you can't eat much in the morning is a cup of oats, some whey powder, a banana, honey and 500ml of milk mixed in a blender.

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Ok I think pretty much everything has been covered here regarding diet. And this may seem like kind of a cop out answer to your question, but def. check out the forums at Mens Health magazine online. There are a lot of guys there that know a great deal about a proper diet and there are plenty of threads on pre-made workout programs that might help you get started lifting. They also have a great HIIT program over there.

Also as far as your diet you should really try to keep track of your calorie intake and you can use FitDay.com to do that. Great site.

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Starsfan71 if you're looking to mainly improve your shot basic lifting will help but wrist curls/extentions will make your forearms stronger. The other thing to remember is that shooting is way more technique that strength. I was a skinny kid until I was a Sr. in HS and I have always had a very hard shot. I wasn't big or strong but I shot thousands and thousands of pucks. Shooting power is generated in the legs and core. Look at Sakic he has a nasty wrist/snap shot but isn't a huge guy. Develop your skills and stick to a basic weightlifting routine, the weight will come as you get older.

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Yea my technique needs a little bit of work and I've been using a whippier stick to get a litte more velocity. Oh and so far I have gained 3 pounds I'm pretty sure it's all if not close to all muscle.

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