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Hockey at your school for PE?

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Any of you go to a school where you have hockey for PE? I had street hockey for a few years in middle/high school, it was some of the most fun I've ever had in class. I was magic with that little plastic Mylec haha.

Plus, hockey was the only sport I was really good at, so it feels nice being always being picked first. :P

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I had Ice Skating for awhile since my HS has its own rink. I just got done with a Floor Hockey Unit today, and then tomorrow Lacrosse starts up. My Coach actually teaches all these classes too.

The sad thing is that our PE and Sports Programs are way more funded than the academics. For example, we have a multi-million dollar sports complex and a rink which most public schools in CT dont have, yet teachers are being laid off and we cant afford chalk/etc or more Text Books. Our locker room in the rink is probably nicer than some colleges, not to mention we have one of the nicest Football/Baseball fields in the state.

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Winter games is the best class ive ever taken. Since we have a rink connected, we play broom ball for half the trimester, and hockey the other half. Usually we switch off 3 weeks at a time, for the 12 week trimester.

Senior year is the best because everyone who actually wants to play, and is somewhat serious gets in Winter games III. We had half our hockey team in the class, so it made for some fun games.

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Here in VA back in the day, we had one day of optional floor hockey in PE... no one wanted to play, everyone was playing basketball or some other sport instead so it was just me shooting on the net which a stick that was too short w/ a mylec blade and some crappy plastic puck...

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In High school we'd get one or 2 units of floor hockey per year, plus an intramural tournament plus a floor hockey club that played every morning. we always had at least 8 teams and would have playoffs and all. To the victor went the "K" cup, named after the original moderator of the club. Members of the winning team would carry it around to classes throughout the day.

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ever since elementry school, my school district had a few week floor hockey session in pe class. one year in middle school they let us play full inline hockey, skates, real sticks the whole nine yards. that lasted for 3 days because all the kids who actually played hoceky decided to snipe all the windows in the gym doors. then it went back to shoes and a hallow puck.

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We do have a 2 week unit of hockey...its a lot of fun, but gets extremely frustrating as the school won't splurge for some new sticks. Every single one is a wood shaft with a plastic blade that would work better as a toothpick rather than a hockey blade after a couple years of use.

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our highschool had im floor hockey. all the other jocks complained that the hockey players were allowed to play because hockey was considered a club not a sport. For example the football players couldnt play im football because they played for the school. We had hockey in gym with cheesey plastic sticks and soft pucks. But like someone else said it was nice to get picked first. Center of pa isnt real big on hockey we used to have to travel at least an hour to get to a rink.

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our highschool had im floor hockey. all the other jocks complained that the hockey players were allowed to play because hockey was considered a club not a sport.

Those guys crack me up. All the "jocks" in my PE class feel threatened cuz they're no longer the best at everything. I love making them look dumb hahaha. :lol:

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Back in elementary, that was my first taste of hockey, with those plastic sticks and puck. We got everyone to play, and scored my first goal too! Off the cheek of my buddy who was playing goalie... knocked his loose tooth right out...

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we had a gym-hockey tourney. there were like 6 teams, tha "popular" ballas, the nerds, a bunch of other ones and my team with six A/AA players. to say the least it was funny dangling the "popular" kids and we ended up winning a gift-certificate. in havent taken team sports gym yet but i would love to play hockey in there and dominate, since in any other team sport im the skinny little kid getting picked in the middle of the pack who has a little bit of athleticism but not much except hockey

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we had something once, its was with the plastic sticks (only RH, i play lefty, so you have to phisically bend the plastic into the right shape) and plastic pucks on a one of those slippery gym floors, an it was basically a shoot-out with 5 pucks in a horshoe shape, well at least my highschool has a team (but u gotta pay $500 just to get in)

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I worked at the rink in Moorhead (MN) when I was in college and the high school PE classes would come across the street to use the ice. They had an ice skating unit as part of their curriculum.

When I was in jr high we had a floor hockey unit with plastic sticks. In elementary school we'd sit on those little scooters (think flat square with 4 wheels attached) and have little foam sticks to play hockey with. Scooter Hockey :D

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Here in VA back in the day, we had one day of optional floor hockey in PE... no one wanted to play, everyone was playing basketball or some other sport instead so it was just me shooting on the net which a stick that was too short w/ a mylec blade and some crappy plastic puck...

where in Virginia?

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we had something once, its was with the plastic sticks (only RH, i play lefty, so you have to phisically bend the plastic into the right shape) and plastic pucks on a one of those slippery gym floors, an it was basically a shoot-out with 5 pucks in a horshoe shape, well at least my highschool has a team (but u gotta pay $500 just to get in)

$500 is CHEAP for highschool man, I payed over a grand for the season, plus extra for tourneys, plus $155 for jerseys/socks..

Anyways, weather permitting back when I was in highschool Friday was always outside day. The fat girls and nerds would walk the track, the prep kids played football or baseball, and then there was a group of ten or 12 of us scratching the hell out of the tennis court with the infamous plastic Mylec sticks and balls.

Plus, some of my best memories of highschool were during fall and winter when pretty much my whole varsity team plus other kids from the school would get together saturday mornings and play ball hockey 'long ways' across three ajoining tennis courts. Such a good time.

Thanks ;)

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When I lived in ohio in my school I was the only hockey player so When we came to it... we'd play boys v.s girls sometimes and I would have to be on the girls teams just to make the evens... even though they weren't even then because the girls teams always won by a large margin...

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Plus, some of my best memories of highschool were during fall and winter when pretty much my whole varsity team plus other kids from the school would get together saturday mornings and play ball hockey 'long ways' across three ajoining tennis courts. Such a good time.

a bunch of guys here still get together every sunday and play ball hockey. Its a blast and it doesnt cost a dime. although now its on inlines back in the day it was on foot.

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Hockey in PE was the only time I ever experienced like a 20 flex stick! Like someone said before, I also had to bend the blade to accomodate my LH shot. I essentially got banned from taking any shots after a little while cause I'd was roofing the ball. I kept hitting the glass behind the playing area or someone decided to step into the lane and get clocked in the face or chest.

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just yesterday it came out in the paper here that one of the local high schools will be offering and all hockey phys.ed class next year. 2 days on ice and 3 days in the gym doing fitness training. where was this 5 years ago when i was in high school. i could just see it now:

First period:Hockey

Second period:wood shop


Third period:auto shop

Fourth Period:law

that would actually have made me want to go to school.

HighSchool Hockey

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At Leo hayes or Fredericton high they have hockey in school 3 days a week on the ice and 2 days in the class room. The two high school near me were thinknig of it but have not gone through it yet also the school has to be clsoe to a rink so they can jsut walk to the rink for the class

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We played foot hockey in gym in middle school every day. It was so much fun. We even had playoffs.

Now in high school, 5 kids, including me want to play, out of 60 kids taking gym.

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For our school it's strictly floor hockey. We use really flexible plastic sticks and a ball. During the unit I broke 3 just playing and not even trying to break them. But I would average like 5 goals a game.

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We just got done playing. We were allowed to bring in our own sticks so that was a plus. I was picked first being I'm the only one that was obsessed with the game, and I scored like 25 goals in 3 games or something.

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