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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dan Tessier

XXX-lite or MacDaddy?

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Hey guys I know there are a lot of topics on this but I was wondering how these two sticks compare in terms of puck feel. I am worried about all the negative reviews that the XXX-lite gets in terms of its poor durability, but I have gotten a full years use out of both the XXX and the XX and rate the Bauer sticks highly. I love the puck feel of the XXX and a lot of posters say that the XXX-lite has great puck feel. How does the Macdaddy compare, and is it more durable? Thanks guys!

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the mac daddy and the XXX lite are the same stick prob the same puck feel as the XXX

Where are we finding these people?

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the mac daddy and the XXX lite are the same stick prob the same puck feel as the XXX


it was discused in previous threads that they are the same stick

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No it is not. The Vapor XXX and Mac daddy are virtually the same stick as they were both made by Innovative(True-1).

Because the Mac daddy is virtually the same as a Vapor XXX, I think you can make the comparison on the durability compared to a XXXlite.

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Yes, I understand that but the Vapor XXXlite is NOT the same as a Mac Daddy.

A Vapor XXX is the same as a Mac Daddy.

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Yes, I understand that but the Vapor XXXlite is NOT the same as a Mac Daddy.

A Vapor XXX is the same as a Mac Daddy.

HAHA owned

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XXX lite... seen WAY too many Mac-Duds bust

You shouldn't buy either if you want durability

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anyone selling xxxx-lite. are they made by Innovative(True-1)?

seriously? :o

...my head hurts.


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I think this thread has officially dumbed down MSH a few notches..

Cliffnotes for the lazy who don't read the entire thread before posting..

-Don't buy either for durablilty.

-The XXX was the same as a mac daddy.


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