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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing rust from a cage?

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I'm planning on beadblasting my old cage when I get home from school after finals this week...I'll let you know how it turns out.

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Sand whatever you can first and then try using rust remover.

That will make your job a lot easier.

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parts cleaner form an automotive store. make sure your in a well vented area. or take it to a bike shop or body shop and have them sand blast it.

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If it's not really heavy rust then I would suggest a coarse grade of steel wool instead sandpaper because it's wraps around the wire easier. After cleaning with the steel wool spray it with a rustproofing paint then whatever color you like. If you want to leave the natural metal finish then spray it with clear spray paint to prevent further rust. All of that stuff is available in the auto department at Walmart or whatever department store they have where you live. Of course, all that stuff probably costs as much as a new cage. :lol:

If it's heavy rust then it should be replaced since the rust will make it weaker and may leave you open to injury.

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hope you got your tetanus shot... Reminds me of this time that a buddy of mine that's a goalie took one straight in the cage and all the rust just shook off with the force of the shot and got a bit into his eyes. He had to run to the dressing room to flush out his eyes...I guess he had his tetanus shot...

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  Doctor Hook said:

If it's rusted as all hell, might as well invest in a new one, it's one of the few pieces of hockey gear that's very reasonably priced:)

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Sometimes you find that perfect cage that fits just right. I know mine is like that.

I'd go with some sandpaper, then rubbing alcohol to clean it off, then spraypaint it. Don't forget to take off the chin guard though :)

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I would just try to get as much rust as I can off, then i would re paint it with spray paint. But if your cage is the itech two tone then its a different story.

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  DMBeer41 said:
  Doctor Hook said:

If it's rusted as all hell, might as well invest in a new one, it's one of the few pieces of hockey gear that's very reasonably priced:)

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Sometimes you find that perfect cage that fits just right. I know mine is like that.

I'd go with some sandpaper, then rubbing alcohol to clean it off, then spraypaint it. Don't forget to take off the chin guard though :)

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True that, but unless we're talking an old school Cooper or a Jofa bubble, most cages are readily available. But yeah, I can see one hanging on to a certain piece of gear for sentimental reason.

IMHO, rusty white cages look OG cool.

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What's a good spray paint that doesn't rub or chip off? I used a Rust-o-leum chrome spray paint for my cage and the paint is coming off pretty badly.

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  davezilla said:

What's a good spray paint that doesn't rub or chip off? I used a Rust-o-leum chrome spray paint for my cage and the paint is coming off pretty badly.

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I think unless you sand the metal a little bit, most paints will peel after a while since they aren't made to stick to the surface. Maybe pick up a metal primer to put under the spraypaint, or just a paint made to adhere to metal.

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if you know someone have it sandblasted or sanded to remove all paint and get it powdercoated, much tougher.

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I'm trying to get out a rusted screw that attaches my cage, thing won't budge.. I'm thinking WD-40? sorry if this isn't exactly the same topic but didn't want to start a new rust thread

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  hapamatt122 said:

I'm trying to get out a rusted screw that attaches my cage, thing won't budge.. I'm thinking WD-40? sorry if this isn't exactly the same topic but didn't want to start a new rust thread

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WD should do the trick. Also, get a 2nd screwdriver and jam that into the other side of the screw in order to unscrew the front, if you haven't already tried.

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WD 40 probably will not work. You may have to use a Dremel tool or drill it out. As far as the rust on a cage. Buy a new one.

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