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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guy Incognito

XXXX Bake Times?

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  Guy Incognito said:

Custom... EEEs. :)

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Now its getting interesting! But to be honest, im quite disappointed with you, you got CUSTOM XXXX's and did not post any pics? :P

I want to see some (if there are some airy features).

Congratulations anyways.

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Thanks! I didn't want to say anything until I got them yesterday. I'll try to post pics soon (as well as send you pics of those Grafs). I wanted tomake sure they fit first. :)

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Hey guys. I just tried on xxxx's today 9EE and I'd need a 9.5 but the EE felt more narrow then my EE on my mission skates. What i'm wondering is if I heated a EE up in the oven would it get wider and fit my foot better, or would i end up needing custom?

Thanks alot

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Guy, did you actually get a mold of your foot into these skates, or is that why you're molding them?

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  Dougie8 said:

Guy, did you actually get a mold of your foot into these skates, or is that why you're molding them?

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I was only baking them so they molded to my foot more. I did send molds to EastWestHockey so he could size them properly.

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  Guy Incognito said:
  Dougie8 said:

Guy, did you actually get a mold of your foot into these skates, or is that why you're molding them?

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I was only baking them so they molded to my foot more. I did send molds to EastWestHockey so he could size them properly.

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where did you get your molds done?

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