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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Easton Stealth S15 Initial Thoughts

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I skated in these for about an hour after a couple months of no hockey...just a stick and puck, but I gave them a pretty good run, and was very satisfied. For the first time in my life, I actually skated hard in new skates on the first day, and my feet were perfectly comfortable, no soreness or pressure spots to speak of.

Also, I have been used to skating in tacks, so no experience with the light weight feel of skates. I have to say, it does make a difference. I never felt like my skates were really holding me back, though I would say that I "noticed" the skates while skating...with the stealths, I didn't "notice" the skates, and just skated. Also, this might have been in my head from taking 2 months off, but it seemed like my quickness/acceleration had noticeably improved in the short sprint.

With the "COIL technology", I think they use this term to explain the reactive nature of the carbon fiber boot...this will take a bit of getting used to. As opposed to a traditional boot, you don't lose energy through the materials (as is the intended result), and it almost feels like you have a little extra bounce in your step on the ice. Anyway, this probably just takes time adjusting too, but it felt quite different to me.

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I skated in these for about an hour after a couple months of no hockey...just a stick and puck, but I gave them a pretty good run, and was very satisfied. For the first time in my life, I actually skated hard in new skates on the first day, and my feet were perfectly comfortable, no soreness or pressure spots to speak of.

Also, I have been used to skating in tacks, so no experience with the light weight feel of skates. I have to say, it does make a difference. I never felt like my skates were really holding me back, though I would say that I "noticed" the skates while skating...with the stealths, I didn't "notice" the skates, and just skated. Also, this might have been in my head from taking 2 months off, but it seemed like my quickness/acceleration had noticeably improved in the short sprint.

With the "COIL technology", I think they use this term to explain the reactive nature of the carbon fiber boot...this will take a bit of getting used to. As opposed to a traditional boot, you don't lose energy through the materials (as is the intended result), and it almost feels like you have a little extra bounce in your step on the ice. Anyway, this probably just takes time adjusting too, but it felt quite different to me.

Yeah, that bounce was even noticeable in the store, I also like that the boot did not squeeze your foot like regular skates do.... sin I have flat feet, squeezing skates kill...

I also think I could go hard with these on the first skate, I added this to my short list of want, it's only these and 9k's in white...

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Would one be able to fit a pair of Tuuk LS2s to the S15 boots without any issues? Better yet, could you get them from Easton w/o any bladeholders pre-installed?


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Would one be able to fit a pair of Tuuk LS2s to the S15 boots without any issues? Better yet, could you get them from Easton w/o any bladeholders pre-installed?

As people have stated many times, the holes need to be widened to fit the LS2 holders...and, as far as I know, you can't get the boot only from Easton.

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djinferno, being that Sport Check is a mall retail store I'm sure they have them marked up far more than your LHS. Not sure what the exchange rate is at this time but they are selling for $530.00 or so here in the states.

It may be a Mall retail store but that is the going Price up here. The cost on the skate is higher here than in the US so hence the difference.

I am sure they will be on sale shortly for 799.99 but for now thats the price.

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OTG28; Is the $$ exchange that much different or are they just sticken it to you up there? That really blows my mind? But again, I dont know the $ dif so it may work out to be even.

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based on your price at $530 in the states, the skates should be around $560 canadian.

530.00 USD = 556.933 CAD

United States Dollars Canada Dollars

1 USD = 1.05082 CAD 1 CAD = 0.951640 USD

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based on your price at $530 in the states, the skates should be around $560 canadian.

530.00 USD = 556.933 CAD

United States Dollars Canada Dollars

1 USD = 1.05082 CAD 1 CAD = 0.951640 USD

yep, we are getting rapped

same goes for one90 etc...

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But the Canadian dealers pay more for the product, so it is is all relative.

Blah, blah, blah...

A product is a product is a product, same for money... It all comes from the same place so I could care less, someone is raping someone and it kills the bottom line, the customer...

We in Canada support at least 80% of hockey and for the longest time paid the dollar difference to buy the products sold, now that the dollar is low, the companies should ajust there F&^%&%^in prices so we can enjoy the sport we love at a fair price, this is just the companies taking the opportunity to fill there pockets at are expense... Same goes for cars, if money changes, so should cost, period

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yea its yur thread but why cluter up the place with other threads. everything said has been relavint

I was thinking the same thing, this is all S15 related...

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I had the opportunity to borrow a pair over the weekend from a LHS and used them today in a 2hr pickup game at a local arena.

I have to say that they felt amazing in respect to their weight. However, for some reason they just didn't fit me right. There was a pressure point right on top of my feet around the 5th eyelet or so for the laces.

Maybe it was because they needed to be broken in? It did seem like the tongues are much thinner than what Bauer uses.

Anways, it got worse and worse to the point that I couldn't take it anymore and had to go back to my Vapor 30s after an hour or so...

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There is another Moder on here that had some felt tongues put on his S15's and he loves them. I skated in Grafs and was use to the felt tongue so I bought a pair of them to have put on my S15's but after I skated in the S15's I soon realized that I didnt need them to be put on. They actually look pretty cool with the felt tongue. BTW; You can get felt tongues at East West hockey in case you want to know.

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Did you have foot pain with the easton insoles in the easton skate itself? Or was the alleviation only evident in the 120s? I'm curious if you know what it is with the easton insole that solved your foot pain.

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Having my heel lifted internally is what helped. So, I had no pain in the Easton and a ton of pain in the Mission. What I did was build a heel lift and riveted it into my Missions. That review will come later.

Did you get the ankle pad issue solved on that one skate?

Yes, forgot to touch on that. Thanks.

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