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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pre-Skate Jitters?

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You are aware that there are sports psychology books that teach you to get over those jitters, and channel the energy into the game. For example:

Hockey Tough by Saul L. Miller

Mind Gym by Gary Mack

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another newbie bringing up old posts sorry :D

Man i used to get the sh*ts pretty bad before games but now I'm ok and it helps if I eat like 3-4 hours before hand if I don't eat I don't have any energy after my first shift. I do remember having some of my best games after the deuce though. I always get the massive urge to pee though and it changed the way I get dressed, now I put my skates on first then piss then put the pants on, its damn near impossible to piss with once you get your pants on. Worst I ever had though was pizza and beer about 3hrs before, lets just say that I had to drop the kids off real bad before the first intermission and in beer league you only get 5 min so I left my d partner stranded for a shift while I took care of business. Moral for me is no beer before games.

Its funny though I get more nervous playing beer league games then when I got married, that's just weird :blink:

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I still get nervous before games, but what works for me best is to try to make my first shift a physical one. I find that once I start throwing my body around, either hitting or getting hit, all the jitters are gone.

If your nervousness is affecting your performance you might want to consider some visualization techniques before you head out onto the ice; you know, visualize yourself doing the simple things right like good positioning, keeping your legs moving, making the good pass, back checking. Don't visualize scoring the highlight reel goal because that almost never happens, just use the mental image of yourself doing the little things.

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I get REALLY nervous before games. I am usually pretty moody and un-aproachable the entire day of a game (which can cause problems at school sometimes). I don't like speaking or being spoken to, and I sure as Hell don't eat alot (I drink about a gallon-and-a-half of water, though). I usually get to the rink and go through my routien, saying maybe five words in the ninety minutes before warm-ups. I'll do the rah-rah thing just before we get onto the ice, but other then that I am absolutely silent, and I never, ever smile.


- 90 Minutes: Get to rink, situate self in dressing room.

- 85 Minutes: Look over equipment, make minor changes, tape and wax sticks.

- 70 Minutes: Bust out MP3 player and listen to a little "mood music." Visualize.

- 50 Minutes: Work with Smart-Hockey ball by myself; usually in any hallway I can find.

- 35 Minutes: Take a very quick, cold shower (gets blood moving, tells body it's time to get up).

- 30 Minutes: Stretch out.

- 20 Minutes: Slowly get dressed; listening to music and visualizing.

- 10 Minutes: Listen to coach(es) speak, say something when I feel I should.

- 0 Minutes: Leave dressing room last, usually yelling something.

Once the game starts, the intensity is still there, but I am not as nervous. I'm much more vocal on the ice then I am in the dressing-room. Once I line-up for the opening face-off and the puck is dropped, I just stop thinking and start reacting.

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I have no jitters or quirks that I am aware of. I just try to get there from 30-45 minutes prior to game time, I hate rushing to get dressed.

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As a coach you can understand why we always asked players not to eat less than three hours before a game... ;) .

I used to wear my sandles without socks to all the ice games...until one of my nervous players came off a shift..plopped down behind me and did his best imitation of the scene from the exorcist..all over my pants and my exposed feet....he was able to go to the locker room, as the coach I had to stand there and try not to move my toes

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I have no jitters or quirks that I am aware of. I just try to get there from 30-45 minutes prior to game time, I hate rushing to get dressed.

I agree and beer leagues and pickup locker rooms get jammed pretty quick so I like to get there early so I can get ready at my own pace and room to move around.

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- 35 Minutes: Take a very quick, cold shower (gets blood moving, tells body it's time to get up).

actually while a cold shower may be a "shock to the system" it doesn't get the blood moving...actually it causes the capillaries closest to the skin to constrict to conserve heat...

showers that are warm and longer than 10min are the only way to stimulate blood flow that way...

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i get ther about 50 minutes before the game and i play with a smart ball or a roller puck before a game with a team mate just passing than i get dressed when the coach talks i rock back and forth and that seems to get rid of my jidders

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If this is before a game of ice hockey, doesn't practicing with the lighter roller puck hurt your feel for the ice puck when you go to play?

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I felt like going home my first game refing a few weeks ago. All better now that i've gotten a paycheque.

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This isn't really jitters(although I do get them) during the flood between 2nd and third in the dressing room I shake, as if i'm shivering with adrenilen (sp?) (which isn't very convient for the the custodians when i take a wiz) n e way wondering if anyone gets the shaking with arenilen too?

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