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JR Boucicaut

Leetchie finally retires

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It's a shame that he wasn't in NY to see their turnaround. He used to singlehandedly take games on his back and make things happen. I wish the best for the guy, and also wish he could have retired a Ranger.

btw, they also need to retire #9, and NOT for bure.

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That's fine with me. Graves has given so much to the team (and continues to do so) that it's a crime that his name isn't hanging in the garden. If they had to tack on Rich Pilon's name for some reason , it'd be worth it.

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btw, they also need to retire #9, and NOT for bure.

i work at the garden and ive had the priveledge of meeting adam graves a few times and i can tell you, his play on the ice aside, there is nobody who would deserve that honor more than he would

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Why dont we retire 23, 36, and 4 too ;). Dont get me wrong, Graves was one of my favorite players, but he was not good enough for him to have his jersey retired.

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wish he wouldve been able to retire a ranger and not a bruin

rite on, both him and myself would like to see him retire as a ranger. when he got traded he said he was really disappointed and angry, whats strange is that i was playing 2K7 today and i bought as a free agent leetch to play some D for the rangers, and before i knew that he retired i traded him to the penguins for recchi, kind of weird, eh?

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Well, yeah, NYR has only retired 4 numbers in the past 80 yrs, and two in the past couple of years. Other teams have been around for a shorter period of time and have retired less.

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I'm still angry they traded away Leetch like they did... he was the reason I'm a Rangers fan. Such a great player and a total shame he had to go out like this.

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The rangers should have signed him to a one day contract or something like that so he could officially retire a ranger, its a shame that hes retired, I bet he could still play the game at a pretty high level.

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Having watched his last season in Boston, Leetch signed on for one more year than he should have. It wasn't Paul Coffey in Boston bad, but it wasn't that much better.

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From what I remember him saying is that he didnt want a ceremony or was that for when he first renturned to MSG as a Bruin? I'd be a little bitter too if they would have done that to me. You just dont trade people that have done so much for the team and been there for their entire carrer especially on their way out. I understand they want to improve the team but there is also a thing called respect and the Rangers had a lack of it when they did this. That is one thing I will never forgive them for. "Leetchies Curse" will be with them for another 54yrs.

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As a leafs fan, i really can't complain about what they did as Leetch is now one of my favourite players after seeing him work the blueline with mccabe. But, I was saddened when he didnt return to Toronto the next season, I couldn't imagine the dissapointment as a Ranger fan.

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i would have liked to have seen leetch retire actually playin, why didnt anyone pick him up, i thought he was actually pretty good

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