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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well if you bend them in the radius or angle you want them, take a razorblade (or something sharp) and make a small cut where it bends. I cant give you a pic, check pics (sellsection, ebay, etc.) for pro stock skates.

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you score the tongues...

Take a piece of cardboard and try to bend a straight line. ok, not take another piece of cardboard and a razor blade, barely cut through the first layer... now try to bend it along that line. Get it?

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Fold it over, and cut the sides of your fold a little so it lays flatter.

Or , take your foot out, fold it, tape it down overnight, and in morning it should stay down somewhat better.

If you decide to use a razor, dull it down some so you don't hurt yourself.

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If you decide to use a razor, dull it down some so you don't hurt yourself.

Based upon some of the responses by the OP, I think this is sage advice.

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Man, why is it that I'm seeing a "I cut my leg with a razor blade" thread in the future?

... or "I got cut with a skate blade right above my bent tongue"... or "I broke my leg when I got hit with a shot right above my bent tongue".

Shin guards over tongue, tongue tight to leg. Anything else is asking for trouble. It's not a friggin' fashion show, Joe McGrath.

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