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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Didn't you used to be hot?

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She was so damn cute when "Hit Me Baby..." came out. Now she's a great role model for all the 'tweens out there...a dirty, home wrecking skank who chain smokes. You can't even salute her work ethic as a redeeming quality...because she lip syncs.

She is a good dancer....I guess we can give her that.

But really when all is said and done, most of us would probably still hit it.

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It's still the same basic shape and she could have added onto it. There are other fattie pics of her out there though, baby girl loves that Southern cooking too much.

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Well Mack, with those pics you blew my Christina is the more attractive one (sans makeup)theory all to ratshit.

And yes bombA17, you can see her tits.

Amazing I know, but all woman have them. Weird. Have fun your first time.

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I'm ready to call this one. There's alot of look a likes out there. And the one posted is one of those.

A look-a-like with the same knee surgery scar...that's going a bit far (even for insane fan) isn't it???

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In times like these we must consult thou holiest teachings of the most wise of all prophets, Will Ferrell. Upon being notified of Britney's engagement on ET he had this to say, "No, I hadn't heard that. But congratulations to her because we allll know that marriages to your back up dancer alllllllwayyyysssss work out."

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