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Sidney Crosby using Vector Pros?

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There is an article in the current ESPN Magazine featuring Sidney Crosby and one of the images displays him holding a pair of Vector Pros outside. Has he switched from Bauer recently or what?

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There is an article in the current ESPN Magazine featuring Sidney Crosby and one of the images displays him holding a pair of Vector Pros outside. Has he switched from Bauer recently or what?

Word from Reebok is that he will be the first player to wear Reebok's hockey skate.

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If GM has a source for that, he may know better than I. But I remember a year or two ago, ESPN the mag doing an article on the some of the good Swedish players in the league. They had Sundin and Nasland, Alfredsson, and maybe Forsberg standing around in there gear, and all the players were wearing E-60's.

My guess is that CCM hooks up ESPN for photo shoots?

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There is an article in the current ESPN Magazine featuring Sidney Crosby and one of the images displays him holding a pair of Vector Pros outside. Has he switched from Bauer recently or what?

Word from Reebok is that he will be the first player to wear Reebok's hockey skate.

Also, do you have confirmation that there will be a Reebok skate? Reebok wouldnt stand a chance if they got rid of the CCM name

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Was it CCM that had the Reebok Pump a few years back?

Also, I think I've seen a Crosby Pattern on the Sherwood website. Was he an Eclipse guy this season (at some point)?

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In the article he had a shaft/blade combo I'm pretty sure. I'd guess it's the Force, but the blade had the shortest hosel I'd seen in some time.

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I can confirm what GM's saying. I've also heard rumors of a Reebok skate.

Is this going to be a fourth brand for THC or are the old names going to go away?

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There is an article in the current ESPN Magazine featuring Sidney Crosby and one of the images displays him holding a pair of Vector Pros outside. Has he switched from Bauer recently or what?

Word from Reebok is that he will be the first player to wear Reebok's hockey skate.

Also, do you have confirmation that there will be a Reebok skate? Reebok wouldnt stand a chance if they got rid of the CCM name

I doubt Reebok will lose the the CCM name. If anything, Reebok will develop their own line. Just like Nike/Bauer.

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I doubt it.  It'll probably be something along what Nike did.

Outstanding, I can't wait to see what they come up with. :rolleyes:

They need to streamline the three brands as it is, the products overlap too much. Getting rid of the Koho skates was a step in the right direction. It just seems like there's a lot of competition in the high end skate market, and that market isn't growing as fast as the competition is growing.

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The pumps were pure gimmick. They had limited functionality and that was for a short period of time before they blew up. I'm glad CCM stopped that nonsense.

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I had the 652 pumps, I thought they where good too. I liked the pump feature to use during games, instead of having to tighten the skates I could use the pump to get the skate a little more snug if needed.

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OK back to the original topic, Crosby is using Vapor XXs right now at LA Kings development camp. Pics are at www.letsgokings.com

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