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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kids seen today with their equipment

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I wish it were. I heard someone say "his .... is broke" and thought he said "leg." "Don't move him then" I said, but then got "no, his stick is broke."

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I don't consider myself a great hockey player by any stretch of ones imagination, but I do have higher end gear than players much better than me, why? because I most often like the feel of higher end stuff better. Also I can afford to buy my own stuff ( I am 17 ), as I work part time.

I like to splurge on things like high end Helmets/Gloves/Sticks.

That does not always mean I buy things just because its high end though, last year I picked up a pair of Bauer XIII Skates, Why? Because they felt the best out of any of the skates in the store, ended up only paying like 150$ ( they where actually also on clearance ) and as such was able to pick up a Easton Stealth with the money I saved.

Really, if given the option to choose between a cheep wood stick or a high end OPS what would you pick?, obviously the OPS.

By spending my own money on my equipment I give myself that option and if anyone feels the need to try and make me feel bad because of it, Well they can go to hell.

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I wish it were. I heard someone say "his .... is broke" and thought he said "leg." "Don't move him then" I said, but then got "no, his stick is broke."

At least he had some comprehension of loss - at least it wasn't one of these brats slamming their sticks (that cost THEIR PARENTS $200) over the crossbar and glass every time something doesn't go their way during a game like the things grow on trees.

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I don't consider myself a great hockey player by any stretch of ones imagination, but I do have higher end gear than players much better than me, why? because I most often like the feel of higher end stuff better. Also I can afford to buy my own stuff ( I am 17 ), as I work part time.

I like to splurge on things like high end Helmets/Gloves/Sticks.

That does not always mean I buy things just because its high end though, last year I picked up a pair of Bauer XIII Skates, Why? Because they felt the best out of any of the skates in the store, ended up only paying like 150$ ( they where actually also on clearance ) and as such was able to pick up a Easton Stealth with the money I saved.

Really, if given the option to choose between a cheep wood stick or a high end OPS what would you pick?, obviously the OPS.

By spending my own money on my equipment I give myself that option and if anyone feels the need to try and make me feel bad because of it, Well they can go to hell.

Im the same as you.

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I buy most of my stuff on ebay, just bought s15's for 400. Lots of kids have sweet stuff. Doesnt mean there spoiled, maybe they just got it at a sweet price.

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Haha this thread reminds me of my little sister. Since she was 10 she's always used OPS, eagle gloves, etc. That said, she is still in junior sizes, and has always played tier 1 girls, and almost always plays for the provincials. Her gear not only cost alot less, but it also lasts her a MUCH longer time. To this day, the only stick she broke was a jr synergy, and it was a hand me down which my brother had used for a year before she got it. She also used her eagles for 3 years, and has had her synergy sl for 2.

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Wow...that is really sad. I can't even being to imagine watching a kid cry about a stick, that'd be something to piss me off for sure.

Last yr a kid came in here with a broken XXX Lite. Asked me how long the warranty was, I told him 30 days. He had the stick for 60. He immediately started to cry. Quite loudly. Then slammed his stick and said "Stupid stick!" and stormed off.

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Wow...that is really sad. I can't even being to imagine watching a kid cry about a stick, that'd be something to piss me off for sure.

Last yr a kid came in here with a broken XXX Lite. Asked me how long the warranty was, I told him 30 days. He had the stick for 60. He immediately started to cry. Quite loudly. Then slammed his stick and said "Stupid stick!" and stormed off.

Hahahaha :lol: How old was that kid?

Similar experience I had. When I just went out the rink, I found a kid crying. He asked me, "Have you seen my one90 skate? I left that right that corner...". Poor kid... W.What? One90?! Are you kidding me? Of course, I don't know about it. Actually, his parents took it. Geez, I saw a One90 skate and a Stealth CNT sticks.

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Wow...that is really sad. I can't even being to imagine watching a kid cry about a stick, that'd be something to piss me off for sure.

Last yr a kid came in here with a broken XXX Lite. Asked me how long the warranty was, I told him 30 days. He had the stick for 60. He immediately started to cry. Quite loudly. Then slammed his stick and said "Stupid stick!" and stormed off.

Hahahaha :lol: How old was that kid?

Similar experience I had. When I just went out the rink, I found a kid crying. He asked me, "Have you seen my one90 skate? I left that right that corner...". Poor kid... W.What? One90?! Are you kidding me? Of course, I don't know about it. Actually, his parents took it. Geez, I saw a One90 skate and a Stealth CNT sticks.

Translation please.

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Translation please.

Agreed . I didn't understand that story at all.

I think he said that the kid thought someone stolen his skates, but in reality his parents had picked them up for him already.

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