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Alfredsson's shot on Niedermayer

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That's like saying "If McAmmond could skate, he wouldn't have taken an "elbow" to the head and been hurt."

That's just an uneducated comment. If you think he can't skate you need to get your facts straight. He is the fastest guy on the senators and it is said that if he was able to compete, probably the fastest in the league. He's also 5th in scoring in the playoffs on the senators, so yeah he's a good hockey player.

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How would they know how to have an attitude of a winner though? How many rings on their team collectively? Sure, only one person on the Ducks has one but he has 3 of them and a little thing called leadership behind him.

Yeah you do realise that 25 so players get a ring each year, so in other words you say all the other players in the league that don't have a rings don't know how to win. Do you also consider Ottawa has like the 3rd youngest team in the league. What about getting to the playoffs ? that requires winning, 1/2 the players in the league don't even get a sniff of the playoffs. Yeah I am sure the Sens don't know jack about winning they got to the finals on a magic carpet with aladin making every team they face magically dissapear.

I think you should just stop posting before you make your self look like a total idiot because you really are just talking nonsence now. Oh yeah Neidermyer has 3 rings, I think playing on a team that had Scott Stevens and Brodeur in his prime has a little something to do with that. Oh yeah Alfie is a shit leader, I am pretty sure hes leading the playoffs in game winning goals.

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This play has the potential to alter the entire series. 2-2 game when Ottawa has the momentum to tie up the series and now they are on the ropes. That's a poor decision by their supposed leader.

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That's like saying "If McAmmond could skate, he wouldn't have taken an "elbow" to the head and been hurt."

That's just an uneducated comment. If you think he can't skate you need to get your facts straight. He is the fastest guy on the senators and it is said that if he was able to compete, probably the fastest in the league. He's also 5th in scoring in the playoffs on the senators, so yeah he's a good hockey player.

Sarcasm, boy, look into it. See the comment it was aimed at, then buckle yourself back in.

How would they know how to have an attitude of a winner though? How many rings on their team collectively? Sure, only one person on the Ducks has one but he has 3 of them and a little thing called leadership behind him.

Yeah you do realise that 25 so players get a ring each year, so in other words you say all the other players in the league that don't have a rings don't know how to win. Do you also consider Ottawa has like the 3rd youngest team in the league. What about getting to the playoffs ? that requires winning, 1/2 the players in the league don't even get a sniff of the playoffs. Yeah I am sure the Sens don't know jack about winning they got to the finals on a magic carpet with aladin making every team they face magically dissapear.

I think you should just stop posting before you make your self look like a total idiot because you really are just talking nonsence now. Oh yeah Neidermyer has 3 rings, I think playing on a team that had Scott Stevens and Brodeur in his prime has a little something to do with that. Oh yeah Alfie is a shit leader, I am pretty sure hes leading the playoffs in game winning goals.

Kid you should have stopped posting days ago. We let you run your mouth and gave you the benefit of the doubt and you were doing so good today, but you can't simply fathom the fact the Senators aren't winners here. Worse than that, you're still trying to prove to anyone, yourself mainly, that Alfredsson isn't a complete douchebag and in the same category that you put Pronger in.

You can talk about the teammates that Niedermayer had on the Devils but the Senators have arguably been the most talented team for a few years and have probably had better teams than Niedermayer's had on the Devils. Point of the matter is they had a leader and some heart to go along with it.

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If Alfredsson's intent was to hurt Niedmeyer he's an idiot and deserves all the flack he's getting. But this is what probably happened. He went to shoot the puck down on Giguere to avoid the icing, the puck was in his feet so he had to re-adjust, knowing there was only a bit of time left in the period he didn't want to ice it and give the ducks another chance at the end of the period so he kept the shot low and shot in the general vacinity of a D or even at his shins to get it waved off. Using the argument that ALfredsson is really skilled and can aim his shot anywhere he wants actually takes away from the maliciousness of the incident because of that's the case it proves that he kept the puck low to avoid hurting him.

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But...he did not have to ice the puck if there were only 4 seconds left on the clock...he could've turned and held onto the puck, or chipped it along the boards. He knew what he was doing.

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That's like saying "If McAmmond could skate, he wouldn't have taken an "elbow" to the head and been hurt."

That's just an uneducated comment. If you think he can't skate you need to get your facts straight. He is the fastest guy on the senators and it is said that if he was able to compete, probably the fastest in the league. He's also 5th in scoring in the playoffs on the senators, so yeah he's a good hockey player.

Sarcasm, boy, look into it. See the comment it was aimed at, then buckle yourself back in.

How would they know how to have an attitude of a winner though? How many rings on their team collectively? Sure, only one person on the Ducks has one but he has 3 of them and a little thing called leadership behind him.

Yeah you do realise that 25 so players get a ring each year, so in other words you say all the other players in the league that don't have a rings don't know how to win. Do you also consider Ottawa has like the 3rd youngest team in the league. What about getting to the playoffs ? that requires winning, 1/2 the players in the league don't even get a sniff of the playoffs. Yeah I am sure the Sens don't know jack about winning they got to the finals on a magic carpet with aladin making every team they face magically dissapear.

I think you should just stop posting before you make your self look like a total idiot because you really are just talking nonsence now. Oh yeah Neidermyer has 3 rings, I think playing on a team that had Scott Stevens and Brodeur in his prime has a little something to do with that. Oh yeah Alfie is a shit leader, I am pretty sure hes leading the playoffs in game winning goals.

Kid you should have stopped posting days ago. We let you run your mouth and gave you the benefit of the doubt and you were doing so good today, but you can't simply fathom the fact the Senators aren't winners here. Worse than that, you're still trying to prove to anyone, yourself mainly, that Alfredsson isn't a complete douchebag and in the same category that you put Pronger in.

You can talk about the teammates that Niedermayer had on the Devils but the Senators have arguably been the most talented team for a few years and have probably had better teams than Niedermayer's had on the Devils. Point of the matter is they had a leader and some heart to go along with it.

You can't say Alfredsson doesn't have 'heart' he has basically carried this team to the position they are in, which is pretty impressive. About half the players on the sens have played consistently bad the entire playoffs-Redden, Mezaros, Scheafer, Comrie, Corvo, Neil etc.

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He's got more than most of the team but see how quickly it's washed-out by one asshole/pussy/douche move?

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But...he did not have to ice the puck if there were only 4 seconds left on the clock...he could've turned and held onto the puck, or chipped it along the boards. He knew what he was doing.

You don't know that and neither do I. If he wanted to hurt Neidmeyer why wouldn't he put the puck higher?

He's got more than most of the team but see how quickly it's washed-out by one asshole/pussy/douche move?

I think you misunderstood me, i'm just saying that he has done everything in his abilities to get the sens where they are, it's the other players on the team that are holding them back (this year year anways). You can a lot of the sens don't have heart but not alfredsson (again, im talking about this year)

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Time was running out and he was rushed big-time. It was a last second choice, you can see it by the fake. As good as he is, it's hard to pinpoint a face while re-adjusting with almost no time left on the clock.

A soft dump in the corner would have run out the clock.

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if he did that, he would have painted himself into a corner and "his" entire nhl front office would have no other choice but to suspend him. Or, show the whole fan base whos' really pulling the strings.

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Because he would have literally been beaten to death on the ice.

So randomly he just shot the puck at Neidmeyer's shin pads to achieve what? It's not like it hurt or would do anything but pump up the other team.

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Time was running out and he was rushed big-time. It was a last second choice, you can see it by the fake. As good as he is, it's hard to pinpoint a face while re-adjusting with almost no time left on the clock.

A soft dump in the corner would have run out the clock.

So you're saying his shot is accurate enough to hit a player in the legs he didn't have the skill to shoot to raise the puck higher then a foot off the ice even though that's probably what he wanted to do. I do agree that time was runnign out and he was rushed but you don't know down tot he second how much time is left. There was 4 left, for all he knew there could have been 8, there would have been enought time in that case for another faceoff. I'm not claiming to know whether he did it on purpose or what his intent was, but at least my speculation has a logical explanation other then "it's alfredsson. he's a rat"

It's a dick move. What does one gain by spitting in someone's face?

Nothing, and that's exactly why I don't think he did it with the intent of being a dick.

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Pronger didn't mean to elbow McAmmond either, but shit happens right? I mean it's not his fault McAmmond's a tissue paper soldier.

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So you're saying his shot is accurate enough to hit a player in the legs he didn't have the skill to shoot to raise the puck higher then a foot off the ice even though that's probably what he wanted to do. I do agree that time was runnign out and he was rushed but you don't know down tot he second how much time is left. There was 4 left, for all he knew there could have been 8, there would have been enought time in that case for another faceoff. I'm not claiming to know whether he did it on purpose or what his intent was, but at least my speculation has a logical explanation other then "it's alfredsson. he's a rat"

I'm saying he hurried his shot at Niedermayer and it was online, but not high enough. I don't know if he did it to hurt him, sometimes it's done as a message.

He looked up at the clock right before he shot. He knew exactly how much time was left. Check out the replay or the YouTube video. The is absolutely zero merit behind the "no idea how much time was left" thought. Your speculation actually doesn't have any logic because he did check the clock. On the other hand, the fact Niedermayer went to shoot the puck back at him and the entire Ducks team went after him, shows that many believe it was intentional. Not to mention the video shows him looking right at Niedermayer before he shoots, despite having a lane to Giggy.

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Pronger didn't mean to elbow McAmmond either, but shit happens right? I mean it's not his fault McAmmond's a tissue paper soldier.

I don't know what a tissue paper solider is (GSH??) Anyways, what I'm saying with ALfredsson could easily be used as an argument for the Pronger thing to. He didn't want want Mcammond to get around and him and get a scoring chance so he did whatever was in his power to avoid it without malicious intent. Shitty result, but Pronger may not have been saying in his head to himself "I'm gonna give Dean Mcammond a concussion", he might have just been trying to avoid a scoring chance any way he could, its a game of seconds, if you've ever played any real hockey where winning meant a lot to you, you've probably done something you later regreted because it was stupid but you didn't do it to purposely offend or hurt an opponent, it just kind of happened.

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What Pronger did, to me, in the most "everyday life" kind of way that I can put it was stiffening up a shoulder when someone's hogging a hallway and won't move over. He didn't really go out of his way to do anything to McAmmond other than raise his arm a little, but tell me he's got the same kind of intent behind his "elbow" that Neil had. The fact that the suspension obviously only comes because someone was injured is stupid. That's like giving the greenlight to attempted murder as long as it's just an attempt and there's no follow-thru.

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What Pronger did, to me, in the most "everyday life" kind of way that I can put it was stiffening up a shoulder when someone's hogging a hallway and won't move over. He didn't really go out of his way to do anything to McAmmond other than raise his arm a little, but tell me he's got the same kind of intent behind his "elbow" that Neil had. The fact that the suspension obviously only comes because someone was injured is stupid. That's like giving the greenlight to attempted murder as long as it's just an attempt and there's no follow-thru.

I agree totally. But again i think you missed my point. Here's what I'm trying to say summed up into one sentence, it can be used for the Pronger incident and the Alfredsson incident: In a game of seconds sometimes players react by doing the wrong thing without malicious intent, rather, they are just trying to do everything they can to help their team win, the outcome might suck, but that's not the way they truly meant for it to happen. I dont know if that makes sense to anybody else

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I see what you're saying and just don't think it applies to the Pronger one. If you look at it you can see Pronger actually pull back after he makes contact with McAmmond. Alfredsson just looks like he went out of his way to shoot at a player when he could have easily just slid it down the ice because no one was challenging at that point.

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Oka watch it, and watch it couple of times and you will see he skates out looks at the clock fakes the shot to kill time

If the Sens were winning, I would agree with you, why would he want to Waste time? The game was Tied, and the sens were getting quite outplayed that period, Put the Puck On NET. He totally looked and Definitely saw Nied in front of him, yet still pulled the trigger. These guys are Pros, they can Snipe the puck from Any position, whether it's in their feet or out in front of them. And the puck was still sliding, and in his wheelhouse. He definitely knew what he was doing, and he wasn't looking to Kill the guy, otherwise he Would have hit him in the face. Insead, he hit him in the midsection, where there's no protection, (depending how Urkelish you wear your breezers). There's NO excuse for what he did. Did he intend to Injure him? Most likely. From the one angle I saw, looked like he was aiming for his arm, trying to catch an opening in his elbow pads. Totally uncalled for, and I think he got the message in the scrum. Like the earlier post said, he won't get anything for the weak 'punch' in the scrum. But he'll think twice now before doing anything like that again. I Hope

Also, the Diving was Horrendous as well. Neil's was a Definite Dive, Emery's was embelished, I wouldn't call it a DIVE, but I don't think I would have called the Intereference either. Both were pretty Mickey Mouse.

As was the Ice. As noted before, I would be Embarassed to be the Ice Tech at Scosh. That was a shame. It's Canada for crying out loud. I would Expect it in Cali, with the warm weather and all.. but I mean. COME ON!

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I see what you're saying and just don't think it applies to the Pronger one. If you look at it you can see Pronger actually pull back after he makes contact with McAmmond. Alfredsson just looks like he went out of his way to shoot at a player when he could have easily just slid it down the ice because no one was challenging at that point.

We're aruging over something that's impossible to prove. I'll im saying is there is more then one possible scenario to this situation and I think the hate people have for alfredsson has blown whatever happened way out of porportion. Like I said in my original post on this topic, if he did what you think he did and meant to send a message or hurt Neidemeyer he's retarted. I just don't think that's how it happened. It's my opinion, you can't change it, so there.

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I have NO ill feelings toward Alfie. Did he Kick the puck in? No, did he Intentially Shoot the puck, Yes.

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