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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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insole help?

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I have bauer 8090, and yesterday I skated about 4 hours and the balls of my feet were killing me. I was thinking of trying a new insole in my skates to see if I may be able eliminate this. At epuck i found super feet. I was wondering if anyone has tries these, or if there are any other good insole out there.

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Shock Doctor makes a really good insole made just for hockey skates. Another good insole is the Dr. Scholls "gel" insoles. But what I use in my Bauer 8000's is a pair of CCM H2O control insoles, they are awesome.

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4hrs yikes, reminds me of the good old days were we played pond hockey all day long, your feet would just kill....but you slept good.

The current 8090 footbed is the same material spec as the Superfoot, just the trade name Superfoot was droped

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The current 8090 footbed is the same material spec as the Superfoot, just the trade name Superfoot was droped

The material is the same, but it's not the same as the superfeet synergizer he linked to. The one at epuck (grey) is alot thicker in the ball and the heel and also has a hard stabilizer for the arch/heel. It's alot better footbed than the stock one.

PS the bauer stock footbeds are just bunk, I had a pair of the ETF ones (came standard in 8000s and 6000s) and they were just worthless... it was about as shock absorbant as a piece of wax paper.

Also, if you can find one, the graf insoles are pretty comfortable.

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Understand your pov, a comment heard on a regular basis....a 10 cent footbed on a 600$ skate.

If you are looking for comfort, there are several footbed options that are available in the market place.

We purposely design our footbeds this way because we want the players to deliver as much "direct" energy tansmited from the foot down to the ice.

A footbed that is comfortable &/or that acts as shock absorber may be a good option for pond hockey, but may not represent the best performing footbed. I must say that I do not hear a whole lot on the performance aspect of skates in general on this board.....which is OK too.

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A footbed that is comfortable &/or that acts as shock absorber may be a good option for pond hockey, but may not represent the best performing footbed.  I must say that I do not hear a whole lot on the performance aspect of skates in general on this board.....which is OK too.

Yeah, skates I know what you mean. I was going to get into that in my post but figured I'd just be long winded. I understand the reason most performance skates come with thinner more dense foams because it directly relates to the energy transmitted to the skate. Especially when you're trying to maximize every bit of energy transfers with things like stiffer holders and composite outsoles. I just figured with his problems, he's obviously looking for comfort over performance.

Actually, in a game situation, unless your feet are terribly uncomfortable, you want to squeeze as much performance (energy transfer) as you can out of the skate, that includes the footbeds. The thinner the footbed, the more direct energy you can direct to the ice. A shock absorbing footbed would be counterproductive in that instance.

I was just saying that afaik the superfeet soles aren't the same as the ones in the 8090s. They're made for more comfort wheras the stock ones are performace. I've just heard so much about this stuff because I have freakified cat feet, my arches are so high I need two skates for one foot (one for the ball and one for the heel) ;)

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I have Super Feet insoles. If you buy these take them to your lhs and have them heat them up and its like having orthotics. But you gotta get someone who knows what they're talking about or else they won't help that much. They will really improve your foot alignment which will really help your skating, because odds are, you probably don't have proper foot alignment. But make sure somebody who knows what they're doing customizes them for you or they won't help that much.

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I have SuperFit insoles in the custom Bauer Vapor XXs I just got.

Skates: why did they come with these SuperFit insoles and not the stock Bauer GripLiner insoles they usually come with. Is this a type of pro stock feature? I'm not complaining, I like them a lot. Just curious.

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May I recommend Sole Orthotics?

I have a pair and they are awesome. Very supportive and they are designed to be baked so they can be molded to your feet inside the skate or shoe you use them in.

Sole Orthotics

Incidentally, they have two models: One that is 2 mm thick and a 4mm version that is more comfort oriented.

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