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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spezza's stick

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I don't see anything that weird about that. He tries it out in practice and if he likes it he'll use it in a game situation. Now,butt ending might be a problem though.

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i had never seen a blade done like that before. i believe it was spezza that had that other very ugly opps thats toe came almost to a point? i dont suppose it matters, appereantly it works for him.


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it might just be me, but it looks like he cut the composite blade at the heel, and put a wood blade there. i might just be seeing it wrong though, but it's something ive never seen.

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No, CCM/RBK sticks have models that are made that way. I think the site is proreturnhockey.com, they have some for sale there.

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I thought it was a wood blade just painted to the heel...

but anyways, mack is right...proreturnhockey has the spezza pro stocks with woodie blades at a rape-worthy price of 149 or something like that...

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Theres a Finnish guy on my team who does that with his butt-end, but i dont really see the advantage of it, anyone who uses it care to elaborate?

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it might just be me, but it looks like he cut the composite blade at the heel, and put a wood blade there. i might just be seeing it wrong though, but it's something ive never seen.

Nah, it's something that CCM/RBK makes. Since the Vector is made the same way you'd make a wood stick, the blade can be substituted.

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I hate to be a stickler but can we please change the topic title to something relevant to the topic?

I've seen a couple made for Spezza composite blades and they are shaped worse. I posted a pic in the show it off thread, I believe.

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I used to do that all the time with wood sticks. It's very common.

I believe Doug Weight does something similar...

i dont believe that's correct.

Aaron Ward shaves down his but end to the point where it's almost a spear. i believe he said he does it as a result of some hand surgeries, and how his hand is much more comfortable being closed on the narrow end.

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name='TBLfan' date='Jun 24 2007, 01:13 PM' post='44697

I've seen a couple made for Spezza composite blades and they are shaped worse. I posted a pic in the show it off thread, I believe.




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