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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New skates.

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Ok, I understand that there is some info out there already, but when I got my first OPS, I asked people on corebeam what their top 5 sticks would be if they could get any stick they wanted. The TFG won, I got the TFG and I still have the TFG, its an awsome stick. Iam getting new skates tomarrow so I thought some last minuet suggestions would help just like last time, call it a superstition if you like.

Anyways, as i said, iam getting new skates tomarrow so I was wandering, If you guys could get any skate what kind would it be? What would be your top 5? Keep in mind that I rather not buy new skates, then change the holders or the blades, So try to pick skates that already have good blades.( I heard the grafs come with cobras and Iam getting a bad vibe from what I have read on this site about cobras.)

Thanks in advance.

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my top five would have to be...graf g5/705, 8090, vapor xx, vectors, n the s500, in that order

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Check out the grafs, they should have a boot that fits you good. I am gonna get my 2nd pair of 703s, which are very nice skates. In the future I'll probably be trying out the synergy skates.

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if you have a lot of money :lol: CCM ZG130!!

if not...maybe

1;ccm zg120 vector7(if you dont like t'blade!)

2:ccm pro tacks(that what i have)

3:beaur 8090

4:graf 735

5:dont know!!

ps:I only fit CCM that why I have a lot of ccm stuff :) and i really like t'blade that why i put zg!!

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8090's are some of the best new skates ive seen in awhile, classic looking skates, none of that silver glitzy stuff, but they still perform very well

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i dont think the graf holders are bad at all. ive never had a problem with them at all. i've found that the steel holds its edge a lot better than other steels ive had. i got no complaints for them

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As pretty much everyone has said, go with what fits your foot the best. However if you want a top 5 of what I think are the best skates i would go with these.

1) Vector Pro - i am in love with these skates right now, they are a light version of my 03 Z-airs. And from what ive seen, they appear to be holding up pretty well. (I work in a shop, so i see a steady stream of skates)

2) Easton Z air - I actually like the 03 better, they're very comfortable and bullet proof...meaning they provide great protection (and im all about that)....but again personal pref.

3) Bauer 8090 - i have concerns about the durability of these, especially if you're a big guy, i just didn't like seeing the way they opened up when i flexed the skate forward...not to say that it actually is an issue, just a concern i have. But i will say i liked the fit/feel of the skate.

4) Mission S500 - ranked fourth because of the lack of protection....the fit is great...but i took a weak shot on the ankle and it felt like i had been shot lol. again personal pref.

5) Bauer 8000 - probably the best skate on the market for the money. The only reason it is ranked 5th on my list is because i didn't like the way it fit my foot (damn feet)...so i don't wear them. But i really don't think there is a better skate out there if it fits your foot....good protection, and Grrreat durablitly (best of any skate in my opinion).

that's how i stack them...

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1. Bauer Vapor XXs, own them and love them, if you're looking for outstanding durability, stay away from them, they are strictly performance on my part.

2. Bauer 8090: great skate, durable, light, im into a flashy look though;)

3. Vector Pro's: good features, fairly durable, very light, good job by CCM.

4.Mission S500: Not a fan of mission skates usually, but these are really nice.

5. hmmm, hard one, i'd go with Graf G5s or Graf 705s...

I'm not a huge graf steel fan, I use to own 705's and they werent bad at all.

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Guest 2048

If people are including the XXs, why not the V-12s? They're probably more durable and the fit is amazing.

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