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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 1994 Catalog

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My 1300's were a bitch to break in as well once I got them in. That blows with the A/C. I figured with all the Dallas stuff you pick up, you'd have some of Mo's old T-Flex's.

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There's another pair of 9500s up on ebay. Look ok. Black dominant with grey trim.

Also red, white, and blue 1350s.


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Kinda off subject, but how in the hell do you do a nationwide Craigslist search?

Ive had success with just typing things in google, usually first hit is a craigslist ad.

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Only about 6 or 7 years late to the party. Stumbled upon this page trying to find some model names for top 5 sticks post (Feb 2014)...awesome trip down memory lane.

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Looking great, still haven't seen them pop on on IW, but I hope they'll make them available real soon :tongue:

On the serious side, I happened to see one an Aluminum Gold lying around with some other beat up road hockey twigs in a high school equipment room. Aluminums were way before my time but it was a shame to see it in such a state, it looked in pretty good condition if you don't count the blade. Probably would have stolen it in any other circumstance.

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Awesome stuff. :laugh:

I still use a Shootout and Fiber+ for practice. Agony on the wrists for slap-shots but it sure packs a punch on wrist-shots.


(I'm a big Fallout game series fan, hence the homemade decals.)

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