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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sundin curve?

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retail, it was a TPS curve. as for his actual pattern, someone else on here will know. use the search function.

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I have one in the corner, if we have to take another pic. As mentioned before, it's a mild heel curve with some loft.

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anyone have pics of sundins Curve??? please help.

Do you want Mats Sundin's actual curve or do you want the curve TPS/Louisville sells in stores and puts his name on it?

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If you're in Vancouver check out the-sports-exchange on Burrard street. They have some pro-stock Sundin CNT Stealths for sale. The curve was huge - macks description pretty much explains it "it's like an RP but with more curve and shovel."

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I don't know, that's a pretty goddamn big picture but the curve in said pic isn't that big. That's very RPish and his TPS pattern had more curve.

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hmmm well i was just woundering becuase ive been looking for a drury type blade with a lower lie and i found my bros old inno novius prostock sundin and the lie on that is perfect and i found some r2 tapered blades that are sundin and was hoping they would be the same as the inno.

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Supposedly his TPS pattern is P31 and if that's the case, that sumbitch is big. P13s seem more RPish if I remember correctly and closer to the Inno ones.

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hmmm well i was just woundering becuase ive been looking for a drury type blade with a lower lie and i found my bros old inno novius prostock sundin and the lie on that is perfect and i found some r2 tapered blades that are sundin and was hoping they would be the same as the inno.

Any TPS blade that says "Sundin" is retail. P31 is the same as the "Styles" curve and it's a very slightly lower lie, slightly more lofted and slightly deeper than the pro Sundin Response plus that I have.

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THe curve in that pic is definitely not the Sundin pro stock curve. I will try to post a pic (still haven't got to it) of the Stealth pro stock Sundin I am using right now.

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Without seeing the nameplate I can say it is, at least on an Inno. Sundin's curve has gotten fat in his old age and changed from the first OPS he's used.

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Without seeing the nameplate I can say it is, at least on an Inno. Sundin's curve has gotten fat in his old age and changed from the first OPS he's used.

It was pretty fat for a while, then he swiped one of Alfie's sticks during the Olympics and went on a tear so he went to a more shallow curve again for a while. When I was in Toronto, there were 10 different variations his curve at the one shop. Then again, they could have just jammed any blade into a shaft with his name. It's not like we haven't seen that before.

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Eh, it didn't get fat till he went to TPS. Gold non-grip Synergy, silver Synergy, "Si-Core," Inno and yellow Synergy all had RP-ish curves and then there was the TPS abomination. Since then I couldn't tell you what it's like because it's too big for me.

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I hear that Mack. Its rumored that the nike bauer id p72 is the same curve as the "old sundin pro stock." Has anyone had a chance to check out a kiosk?

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Looking at a P72 at the kiosk, I would describe it as a lie 5 P91 (Drury-ish) with a slightly less rounded toe. Does the RP pattern fit this description?

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