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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bring it Back

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So the stick topic has got my mind racing. If you could bring back ANY one piece of equipment, what would it be?

Mine would be the clear tuuk, except this time i would make them not break.

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Nike Air Accel Elites!!! But I'd have to have a pair of 752 kevlars/original 652 tacks/mega air 90/and second generation bauer 5000's to skate in.

Gloves: easton gx 7600

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I second the Micron Mega 90's. I loved those skates......

The only skates I wore through minor hockey. Then when Bauer tried to do them as the Air 90's, I switched halfway through that season. Wasn't the same. They hurt my toes, tried three pairs but the caps all dug in.

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I second the Micron Mega 90's. I loved those skates......

The only skates I wore through minor hockey. Then when Bauer tried to do them as the Air 90's, I switched halfway through that season. Wasn't the same. They hurt my toes, tried three pairs but the caps all dug in.

Yeah, I'm all with you on that one.

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I have the old cooper. I wear it for roller. It pretty much gives you the best range of motion of anything you can can buy

Yeah same here, I used it for roller and that thing really conformed to your body and you almost didn't realize you were wearing it. I really don't care for the "roller hockey girdles" because I don't feel as if they are padded enough.

After my Cooper crapped out a few years ago, I bought a CCM Tacks girdle and that thing is so friggin' bulky. Not even close to the old Coop.

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Hey JR this sounds like the conversation we had in your shopp in March!!! I have an old pair of Cooperalls but the girdle is shot. I was planning on buying the new Vapor girdle but at JR request I opted for the Tackla TG4000. I could not be happier. Very similar fit, excellent mobility and protection.....gee this sounds like a equipment review!!!! :D

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I loved the shins and elbows from teh old Hespeler Classic Lite line. I would make a couple of slight improvements to better suit me, but I'm selfish like that.

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