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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxv vs supreme70

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hi, i need a little advice. I am looking at both the supreme 70 and vapor xxv skates, both fit my feet fine. for the money, which skate do you guys think is the better value?

i play midget aa hockey and i'm going out for the junior b team this fall.

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Try each of them on at a LHS and get the one that fits you the best. Only way to go.

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So the XXV's replace the XIX? How about the XX?

Just made a few phone calls...$275 (XIX) and $325 (XXV)...Canadian in Vancouver...

Do you guys think I should save $50 and just get the XIX? I like the look of both pairs equally the same and I am sure both are better than my CCM 952's (1st gen).

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from what I've read on here, the XXVs fit wider in the toebox and has more ankle padding than the XIX. See which one fits better, and go from there.

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from what I've read on here, the XXVs fit wider in the toebox and has more ankle padding than the XIX. See which one fits better, and go from there.

True. The fits between this years Vapor line and last years are different. As DL mentioned, this years is wider espicially at the forefoot/toe box area.

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Ya, please...if someone can give a review on either the XIX or the XXV...it would really help me with my purchase...I am torn between the two of them and will go to my LHS to try em out tomorrow.

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I've had the XXV's for a few months. No complaints, very comfortable. The toebox does feel a little wide, which isnt a problem for me. They were very easy to skate in right out of the box.

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okay, i was in san francisco over the weekdend, and EWH didn't have either in stock (too bad because the people there were very friendly)... i got the vapor xxv's across town, and they shipped them to my house, so in about 5 days i'll post a review when i get them.

i paid $299 USD at hockey x-sport in oakland. i went with the xxv because they had a felt tongue unlike the 70's and they fit a little narrower. the skates feel very stiff, i couldn't tell a difference when i compared them to some vapor xxx. heat molding made them fit very comfortably. we'll see when i skate on them.

thanks everyone for all your help!

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I finally got the XXV skates today. I found em for only $220 at a HS! Wow, that shop is great...they now have RBK 9K's for around 380 and Vector 10.0 for 350...

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I tried the XXV today...wow, they are GREAT! 100% better than my old 952. I did stick and puck with them for an hour. At the beginning, it took me a while to get used to the much different holder. After that, I felt much more nimble in these skates. I tried my old skates for 15minutes afterwards and I could barely skate in them LOL. They are much heavier, less stiff and the holder is way less responsive. Anyways, for $220, I think the XXV's are definitely good value skates!!

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hey dbeck...you think you could give a mini review on them after a few weeks....same with anyone else who has them....i was thinking of getting these skates

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Sure, I will try my best as I am a noob with hockey equipment review. How do I start a review in the review section? Btw, how come no one ever reviewed mid-range skates like XXV, XIX, Supreme 70, etc?

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