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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i am tossing up wether to get some Vector Pros Vapor XX's or some grafs say 707 prob. any other suggestions? i want a durable skate. any1 know wat the retail on the synergy skates will be???

Thanks again

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If you want durable skates, scratch the XX off your list. Grafs hold up damn well, though.

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are 707s the ones that sergi wears? one of the guys at work was trying to get me to try them, but we dont carry them. but with graf it all depends on what fits your foot, i for got the specs but i wanna say there more geared toward forwards, lots of forward flex.

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707s are like sneakers. Plus the heel is huge - some kid I know bought a pair and he came in with them. I was able to slide a finger in them...length AND widthwise. If you want a skate that skates similar but stiffer, go with S500 or Pure Fly.

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Durability depends on how often you skate. I have had the XX's since July of last year when they came out, skate twice a week and they are fine. Now, if you are in high school, etc and play 3-4 or more times a week they will break down faster than a leather skate.

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I would think it'd depend on how much you weigh, your technique of skating and how stiff you like your skates to be as well.

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I also am loving my vector pros. Never had a skate fit better. They are a bit stiff, so my lateral movement while skateing backwards is a bit hindered, but I'm sure they will losen up a bit once they are broken in. I have only skated in them 3 times, baked once.

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Echoing what JR said, definitely try on the 707s if you're interested in them. I got a hell of a deal on a pair on eBay last summer so I went for them. I normally wear a 9W in 705s, and 9W in 707s were huge, especially in the heel. They were real comfortable, but I'd hate to imagine what it'd be like taking a shot off the foot in those things.

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if you're goin strictly performance, go with the XXs, they are great to me, i've got them, but if you're going for durability, they are horrible...i had mine for about 3 months and they started wearing out, i have a new pair i've owned for a month, skating 3-4 times a week, and they are holding up fine.

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Those skates fit very differently. The odds of both fitting you properly is very slim, go with what fits your foot best.

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Easton hasn't announced any pricing on them and I'm not even sure they have been officially announced to the public yet. I have seen $600 thrown out as a number but the skates aren't supposed to be released for a while. If you need new skatres, you might be waiting a while for the Synergys.

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I remember the Easton guy saying that it's not as much as everyone thought, i'm still not a fan of Easton skates, but i might change my mind, not likely though...

And the Vectors are nice skates, i like them, I'm just more of a Bauer guy, the Vectors look as though they'd hold up longer than the XXs also.

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im wearing 735s and 703s and im waiting for my g3s. The 707 is a hard fit but i have seen in somecases where if he goes with a 707 in a narrow it could fit his depth. cause its a deep boot, next down for depth is 705 and final is 703. the 705 being a mid-depth and 703 being a shallower depth boot.

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i wont be getting skates till probably start of september. So would the synergy skates be out by then? JR do you know when they are set to be released?

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i wont be getting skates till probably start of september. So would the synergy skates be out by then? JR do you know when they are set to be released?

If they haven't put out a press release yet, I wouldn't count on them being widely available by September

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